5 Things That You Wouldn’t Guess About Me
My name is Melissa DiVietri -- but I go by MISSYDI. I wanted to share a short list of things you wouldn't guess about...
People with Sacral Agenesis in Videos
People with Sacral Agenesis in Videos
Sacral Agenesis Doesn’t Stop Me Living My Life | BORN DIFFERENT
Mario's Self-Worth (Living with Sacral Agenesis and Goldenhar Syndrome)
Detroit Tour
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Join me on Periscope for a LIVE tour of Detroit
Get to know the city on a personable level by who else?...
Im Sorry That I Cant be The Person You Want Me TO Be
There are a million things running thru my mind... all the time. That is just what it is.
WHich is why I love abstract art......
Moved To Bali With A Physical Disability: The Challenges & Sacrifices
Incredibly Honored To Share The First #LifeofMissyDI Vlog
I am risking everything to be here
I have been traveling for more than a year to...
Best Views In The City of Detroit
Detroit is my HQ
Always will be.. Detroit is my heart, soul and community; I will come back to Detroit every few months that I can.
Defining The Odds As A Traveling Disabled Person
Ever want a chance to be far away from everyone or everything - just to collect your thoughts and realize your worth? Do others...
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Uncover The Real Me
Many of my social media fans / friends do not know the "behind-the-scenes" -me.. Melissa, the person behind the computer screen and...
Queen of Medellin: My 35 Favorite Things About Medellin
Sadly, my trip to Medellin is coming to a close soon... I leave for El Salvador this Saturday for two weeks to visit a...
16 Things To Consider When Planning A Trip To Cuba: For Americans
There are many, new restrictions in effect when traveling to Cuba from America… you must met certain requirements by the government to enter the...