
5 Things That You Wouldn’t Guess About Me

My name is Melissa DiVietri -- but I go by MISSYDI. I wanted to share a short list of things you wouldn't guess about...
Melissa Divietri with Sacral Agenesis

People with Sacral Agenesis in Videos

People with Sacral Agenesis in Videos Sacral Agenesis Doesn’t Stop Me Living My Life | BORN DIFFERENT Mario's Self-Worth (Living with Sacral Agenesis and Goldenhar Syndrome) Mormon...
Detroit Tour

Detroit Tour

ONE_DAY_ONLY! Saturday, November 14, 2015 Join me on Periscope for a LIVE tour of Detroit Get to know the city on a personable level by who else?...
melissa divietri happiness

Im Sorry That I Cant be The Person You Want Me TO Be

There are a million things running thru my mind... all the time. That is just what it is. WHich is why I love abstract art......
melissa divietri physical disability

Moved To Bali With A Physical Disability: The Challenges & Sacrifices

Incredibly Honored To Share The First #LifeofMissyDI Vlog I am risking everything to be here I have been traveling for more than a year to...

Best Views In The City of Detroit

Detroit is my HQ Always will be.. Detroit is my heart, soul and community; I will come back to Detroit every few months that I can. What...
melissa divietri bali

Defining The Odds As A Traveling Disabled Person

Ever want a chance to be far away from everyone or everything - just to collect your thoughts and realize your worth? Do others...
Melissa DiVietri

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

  Uncover The Real Me Many of my social media fans / friends do not know the "behind-the-scenes" -me.. Melissa, the person behind the computer screen and...

Queen of Medellin: My 35 Favorite Things About Medellin

Sadly, my trip to Medellin is coming to a close soon... I leave for El Salvador this Saturday for two weeks to visit a...

16 Things To Consider When Planning A Trip To Cuba: For Americans

There are many, new restrictions in effect when traveling to Cuba from America… you must met certain requirements by the government to enter the...