Moved To Bali With A Physical Disability: The Challenges & Sacrifices

melissa divietri physical disability

Incredibly Honored To Share The First #LifeofMissyDI Vlog

I am risking everything to be here

I have been traveling for more than a year to different countries around the world. I’ve settled for the longest time on this beautiful island, Bali – Indonesia. I’ve turned down a bit … as far as being on an airplane constantly.. and moving / shaking consistently.

The thrill of being a socialite in the city (LA, NY, Chicago, DET, Florida) was getting too much…I always wanted to be in the inner-circle but realized that I am not really like those people. I felt like I always had to be a show-boat to get attention — to prove myself.. And trust me, when you have a physical disability — you already get attention, even without asking.

melissa divietri baliMy challenges of a physical disability are just turning into lessons that I’ve used to adapt myself to a better person. I am excited to share this journey with the world as I continue to persevere through financial complications, relationship problems and cultural differences…. hospital, medical supplies, health, food, accommodation, transportation.. there’s a laundry list of things that you have to consider when you travel with a physical disability. But I’m making it work.

I want to hear your feedback, please share a comment & subscribe.

melissa divietri bali

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If you love these photos of Bali – you will really love my film-makers feed.
Check him out @travelwithclay on Instagram

melissa divietri physical disabilitymelissa divietri physical disability