Motivation Monday

Monday Motivation

It's Monday -- yes the Monday blues, right? Well not for this gal. I had some much-need relaxation in Northern Michigan. I spent the...

Get-Away to Grand Rapids

For my 27th birthday, I traveled across the state of Michigan to a city called, Grand Rapids. I use to live out this way...
two jetpacks flying

Emirates: #HelloJetman

In this incredible video, ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossy and parachuter Vince Reffet fly jetpacks alongside an Emirates-owned Airbus A380.
Book Tower Detroit

Book Tower Comes Alive

My favorite building in downtown Detroit has always been the Book Tower -- I love the way the building has a mysterious look to...
5th of November

5th of November

We chanted, marched, cried & walked for miles. I never thought this would go so far, but we did it. 5th of November -...
San Chez Grand Rapids

San Chez – Grand Rapids

A Tapas Bistro and Cafe Welcome to the most unique dining venue in downtown Grand Rapids, MI - a blend of European and Mediterranean cuisine...
Melissa DiVietri

Get Up & Get Out

You know when the seasons change.. and all of a sudden it gets really cold which makes you want to become a couch potatoe?...

sacral agenesis

You would think when you get older, you start to understand life a bit more. You think- the wiser you get - the more...
melissa divietri

Kicking The Migraines

The past three days , I've battled a migraine from hell. It is unlike any headache you can imagine.. it starts at the top...
Detroit Tigers

Detroit Tigers Star Wars

Finally made it to another Detroit Tigers game before the end of the season. We are not doing so hot in the season, but...