

I’m beginning to realize what people mean when they say that you “cant have it all” —

If you know me in person, than you will understand that I go after everything single thing that I own. I face challenges on a daily basis and deal with these obstacles behind closed doors. From my health insurance being closed from the amount of caseworkers the government juggles me through — to walking on basically egg shells during the icy Winter season. I have to be so careful with everything that I do // and I want to do.. That I’ve become this organized person about my career, goals and ambitions. And I know what you’re thinking right now when you look at my apartment.. yeah – I’m an expressionist – there’s sh*t everywhere. The main reason that I have everything laying all over the place is because I’m an abstract artist.. I want to come back to it later, eventually. I am seeking an artist studio but until that time, I’m working out my apartment which has a home office for me to grind on website development and social media management. I’m organized with my work because I am so good at handling multiple accounts with a bunch of different advertising channels running. I started my digital media business in 2006; and I haven’t stopped “working on the side” – there are too many referrals from word of mouth that I have to keep my reputation lively and vibrant. So I stayed organized with work life.. but home life — is a whole different story.

Recently, I finished a contract position at Team Detroit in Dearborn, MI this past Dec. It was a social strategy position for 3 months; absolutely wonderful. My team was helpful; the projects were challenging but I felt like I was missing something.. it’s been awhile since I’ve worked in agency so I had mixed feelings when I went back. The missing puzzle piece was that I didn’t find my entrepreneur friends — you know those people who have big visions for their careers and want to maximize themselves by collaborating wth people together on something. No.. I didn’t get that vibe at Team Detroit. At almost every workspace; there are people – I call them “go-getters” that seek true potential of wanting to do “more” outside of the workspace. I understand the work is challenging and sometimes draining at an agency; which ultimately eats all the hours in the day! BUT if you LOVE and I mean truly LOVE what you do passionately; you will find 3 – 5 extra hours in the middle of the night – even if it’s 3AM style ; like me.. to work on something. Where are my fellow night owls? ^_^ I can’t really specify into what a collab project would be, because they are all different depending on talents.. but it could be something simple like this; writing a blog post, creating social media influence, updating your personal website, reaching out to 10 business owners to develop a trusting relationship; writing in forum groups, making a website for a non profit. I’ve done all of those things.. twice over. I can honestly tell you that I’ve met with 2-4 businesses per day since I’ve finished my contract in Dec. I’ve had companies call me the very next day and say hey can you come in and do the same pitch to two other people” — that literally happened to me this past Tuesday for an agency in Birmingham. I do not stay off the market – meaning working part time or full time for a company – very long. I always have something up my sleeve, options open (and usually more than 5 or 6) so I can choose the right salary, the perfect work culture and engaging job responsibilities. I want to make every single MINUTE count because when I work for a company; I can typically blow their mind.. if there is limited “red tape” – meaning freedom of CREATIVITY. If I have this great idea and I want to share it — the company would be acceptable to listen.. That’s what Im looking for in my next adventure. I reach out — therefore – people see / notice me. I’m not afraid to make that first initial call or send free advice.. it will return if the opportunity is an investment.

But .. I recently turned 26 and I haven’t come up with that brilliant idea or product that every household could use. This is one of my goals — to create something that a 6 year or a 65 year can both use. I dont know what it would be or even an idea. I have such a creative mind that hopefully I will come up with something unique within 5 years.

I’m getting to the point in my life where I’m faced with choosing between love, life and career. I simply cannot balance it all anymore.. I’m either working 15 hours a day and neglecting my partner.. or I’m around my partner so much that I’m neglecting my clients. I want to continue traveling the world and building my career. But I feel like I am leaving behind the person that I love because he doesn’t have the same flexibility to do these great adventures.

I want to better myself by bringing something fresh to the city of Detroit. I’ve always had this entrepreneurship lifestyle about myself. I can see myself taking my digital media agency & maximizing it to its true potential. I reach out to hundreds of companies each month.. I set a goal list for the week and make phone call follow ups within 10 days of first initial contact. And I go after the big organizations in Detroit – Like Detroit Chamber, City Council, Eastern Market, Midtown and many, many more. I want to be known as the “unofficial social media blogger” of Detroit because I am literally — everywhere. I am apart of the electronic scene, the art community, the business professional networks and so on. I attend 2 -3 networking events per week while tweeting out to larger companies to run their social media at conferences and big venues. My goal is to continue growing and putting myself in situations that I am not comfortable with.. I need to grow this way. And by putting myself out there for motivational speaking, working a contract position at an agency or just diving into an industry that I’m not familiar with at all.

There are pop up shops, start ups and entrepreneurs that are fighting to rebuild this city. From a hopeless, dying, corrupted, bankrupt state to a lively, creative and energized city. I’m excited about the changes and the things that are happening downtown because I’m a part of them. I knock on doors until the owners of the business listen to what I have to say. I’m here for a reason; my calling is strong and it’s continuing to grow. I work directly with small to mid size companies by maintaining their social media & website accounts. I develop custom strategies for each business owner and decide what solutions are a best fit within their budget. Sometimes, I will even stretch myself to work on a small budget just because I know this entrepreneur is destined to be something great. I can sense true potential.


You think Detroit Hustle’s Harder — well so does MissyDI.. Sit down with me for 20 minutes and I will absolutely blow your mind. Heaven sent. I’ve lived life.. and I’m still breathing. I’ve been through more emotional, physical undeniable pain, loss and so on. God only gives you the amount of struggle that you can handle. But why does it feel like I’m always balancing 6 different bad things happening all the time? I’ve learned not to stress on the small stuff or really anything for that matter. I let it go and forgive to easily. We are never promised tomorrow so I damn sure make it official to take every day as my last. I take care of business – because I have a strong mentality and you cannot bring me down. No matter what card you play, I have the best poker face

Melissa DiVietri

Life — I tell you.. You can’t choose what door to pick but you certainly better deal with the consequences once you open that door. Put a smile on and march forward.. You’ve got nothing to be sad about; make moves — so later in life you can take a few days of relaxation.

And my disclaimer: if you don’t like what I have to say — just click off my blog. I can’t change who I am because I’ve never stopped running my mouth — I’m a Jackson style chic, say whats on your mind even if it hurts. So please, let me continue to be “real” because this blog is my gateway to letting people know what’s going on in the world of @missydi