launch of DI Techno


Nothing that you love will come easy

It is the thrill of chasing after it — that makes everything worth it.

melissa divietri techno

Inspired by my roots – Detroit, Michigan… the birthplace of Techno music. It is time to collaborate the artists that I know around the world. It is time for some techno music.

Inspirado en mi ciudad natal, Detroit! Es la hora de un poco de techno.


melissa divietri techno

Launch of Di.Techno

My idea has been in the making and execution has taken careful thinking… very strategic mindset.
melissa divietri di techno

Logo Design

Features DI as the symbol but TECHNO underneath to show direct representation of the brand.

melissa divietri di techno

Brainstorming Session

Combining all ideas and assets into one directory…Google Drive.

melissa divietri di techno

This is a featured community page that showcases the clients & brands that are associated to DI TECHNO. Our network is a community of music festivals, music production companies, live streaming / radio, media & advertising, artists, venues & more.

Combining a network of techno, underground, house and tropical music from a unique collaboration or artists, brands, agencies and festivals. Each artist has been carefully selected to bring the most value to the agency. They understand the scene is not motivated by money but by opportunity & advancement.”

Find the right artists

A collaboration of my premiere artist, Angel Play of Girona, Spain. With the development of his new website design, graphics for album covers and consultation on social media marketing.

Continued web-maintenance

I have a schedule to start rolling out more programs –

– email list sign ups for new music, pdf downloads
– daily blog articles on mastering social media in the music industry
– interviews with artists in the scene

Keep track of how we go — >> <<