#30DayChallenge – Day 7 #ISoarWithMissyDI

Melissa DiVietri #30daychallenge

#30DayChallenge – 😜😜🌹🌹Day 7: Share one thing that you did once, and maybe won’t ever do again.. and why? 

👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 Me: I was on a mission to visit all 13 countries in Central America during one summer… This was during my “eat / pray / love” phase where I was getting over a relationship of 6 years – my college sweetheart. I traveled to Antioquia, Guatemala, where I met a lady on the street who owned a tourism business. I asked for an extraordinary experience and she set that up… let me tell you… when I say “extraordinary” I mean.. picking up random hitch hikers, dropping me on some corner of the mountain, putting me in a small cab like (tuk-tuk). 🚕 🚕 I took a TUK TUK up the mountain in Guatemala… At any moment, we could have rolled off the mountain. The roads were so small and narrow.. enough to fit one small car at a time. “What in the world” I was telling myself.⛰💀😟😟😟

When I arrived to the top of the tallest mountain, I had to take a donkey – which I hated, because that shit is terrifying when you look straight down, holding on to all your belongings, to get to the “hobbit house.” It took half day to get to the destination, I wasn’t looking forward to the journey back so I enjoyed it while I had it.

I didn’t know this woman, nor what I was getting into when I said I was down for whatever.. however I gave it a chance to try something because what I was doing – “wasn’t working.” I stayed on a farm inside this cute Lil hobbit house, above the clouds.. the stars were so bright – I’ve never seen them like this before as I looked down into the fog and clouds of the mountains. I can’t remember how long I was up there.. just that I was trying to find myself… no phone, no plans.. just the stars, sky and clouds to guide me. 🤪😱🤪 I really did love that TUK TUK; but I’m terrified to give it another go lolololol – share your experiences in a comment! #guatemala #travel #workandplay #lifeofmissydi


Melissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallenge

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melissa divietri

#30DayChallenge – Day 20 #ISoarWithMissyDI

#30daychallenge – Day 20: share something most may not know about you. 👊☝🏼💥💥💥💥Me: I have a condition- obvio. But; If you ask me, baby… I’m ready.. Born ready. There’s a lot of moving parts happening in the world. Feels as if there’s even more moving puzzle pieces in my life. There’s no obstacles that I cannot […]

Melissa DiVietri Detroit

#30DayChallenge – Day 19 #ISoarWithMissyDI

🍬🍬🍬Detroit is like Cotton candy dreams 🍬 #30daychallenge I’m sorry, I have semi-neglected the challenge lately. Been working on the worklife music art eat something hustle tip. I was inspired by the views to make the next post – Day 19 💥 share a dream that you are determined to achieve? 👊👊👊Me: travel all 197 countries 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💎💎 […]

#ISoarWithMissyDI Melissa DiVietri

#30DayChallenge – Day 18 #ISoarWithMissyDI

Day 18 —-> describe a mess up that really turned out to be success. 👌👌👌Me: I accidentally got my dates wrong for my flight to America from Indonesia🥴🥴🥴 I have the timing set for a day before and it was actually two days before because it was a redeye flight. Oops 🙊 I was contacted […]


#30DayChallenge – Day 17 #ISoarWithMissyDI

#30daychallenge — Day 17: Share your favorite poem and author. Me: 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 in order to heal, you need to block out everything around you. My walls are so high because the energies are intense. I’m dealing with a broken heart, beating myself up over unworthiness. I don’t know how I got to the state of consciousness […]

Melissa DiVietri #30daychallenge

#30DayChallenge – Day 16 #ISoarWithMissyDI

#30daychallenge my girlfriends share that one should not to envision the perfect ‘man’ as a person. It’s someone you’re supposed to envision as a light and not actively seek him out; because when the time is on your side; one day that light has all of those things. 😘But when it comes to Marky Mark… he […]