During my study abroad trip, our group had the luxury of taking two boats around the entire island inside the many Caves of Capri. Our host at the Villa hooked this deal up, his friend gave us the boat rides for 20 Euro each.. by far the best money spent on another adventurous. Our boat driver was fantastic, pro boater – fer sure. He didn’t speak fluent English but he explained the caves so well, it was a priceless moment.
He was so close to the walls of the caves, it was scary. At some points, the water was so blue – you can see the very bottom. Little jellyfish would float beside the boats, floating so swiftly but don’t touch!
Its just a fake statue 😉
One hand is up in the air, waving as you pass by
The Mediterranean Sea had monster waves, I mean waves you have never seen before in your life! Our boat would rock so hard from side to side. As we docked to swim, a few members were feeling very sea sick and had to be taken to the dock. I felt bad for them, this adventure was one for the books.
The coral stuck to the sides of the caves, giving an ancient appeal – don’t touch because coral is very pokey and will cut you. This boat ride was like a dream, something in a movie. I knew I had to take advantage of every moment on the boat ride because it may never happen again.