Best View In Bali – Our Villa

melissa divietri bali

I have lived away from America for so long.. that I am started to forget that I am an American lol say what? is there a word for a jet-setter… a person who is constantly traveling and driven by language, culture and new friends.. I get excited when I see that my passport is full of stamps and sim cards are falling out of my wallet.

I stopped sharing things in common with my friends (back in the States). It is challenging to talk about what my life is like.. now. To be inspired, motivated and driven by own personal success. TO want to constantly do better and grow day by day.

I am trying to relate.. but I feel sorry that I am losing all of you. I started to move at a slower pace.. just enjoying the peace of mind that comes with growing as a person.

Day by Day — I am performing more outreach on social media by sending messages to people whom I do not know.. and also taking more time to respond to messages to people who wear their heart on a sleeve. I love that. I am becoming more vulnerable while others are following suit.

melissa divietri bali

3 Reasons That Bali Is The Right Place at The Right Time

1. Peaceful: It is very quiet where I live in the paddies and everything that I need to pull my focus to stay grounded.

2. Collected: I seem to have my priorities more organized because the people around me are also motivated. My lifestyle is never easy — and I wouldnt enjoy the life, if it were easy.

3. Slower Pace: This is an opportunity to move at a slower pace– the island will do that to you.

I created friendships with expats from around the world.. Australia, Canada, Europe, South America, Central America.. we share the same values & morals.. As we continue to meet each other in the world, we started to align our favorite things – enjoying music, discussing work, building international relationships and getting hit with the travel bug- that jet setter life.

If you ever get the chance to explore East Asia… Bali, Indonesia should be at the top of your list… you will learn to appreciate beauty & cherish small moments… realize that every relationship is a gift that needs to be nurtured and cared for.

I went from Cali to Detroit to Florida to San Salvador to Cuba to Panama to Colombia to Doha to Indonesia in 3 months. My friends & family continue to support my dreams as I persevere to want more. I appreciate the hustle.. but also enjoy the fresh air while I still can.

Bali Is Bliss

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