My lil tweaker a$$ thought I was up because of the number of coffees that I had today

tweaker a$$

My lil tweaker a$$ thought I was up because of the number of coffees that I had today

But something drew me to wake up exactly at 2:22 – the most power angel # and manifestiom power ! Wow my mind never turns off.

Significance of 222 💓
222 is a superrrrr special angel number that has to do with faith and trust in the manifestation process. The process of patience!! And alignment of purpose + vision of what life brings you

God has a very funny way of presenting things in certain orders to me, I’ve hit rock bottom more than I can count on my fingers & toes.

I have more faith than fear, amd I hold back the tears before I even start my day. My worries and challenges are my responsibilities ♏️

It’s such a clique thing to say but im seriously grasping this BIG energy and the portal that is in front of me.

☑️ I have a dream job that I cant share with others; for safety of my identity and assets
☑️ I’m on my journey ; healthy and somewhat happy
☑️ I’m allowing my angels to guide me; and present the right people at their intended times to ‘teach me something’

I keep preaching… it’s lonely at the bottom and even more secluded at the top. Pick and choose wisely, not everyone is in your life to ‘help you’ .. recognize manipulation vs motivation

🔜🔜🔜 coming soon, zzzz

tweaker a$$