I’ve taken more stress from everyone else issues & the empath in me, has broken

Life of of missydi

I’ve taken more stress from everyone else issues & the empath in me, has broken 😕

Always a smile behind the smokey mirror, i see everything even when i wish i could look past. Intuition makes me think im losing my mind but im super alert & it can be a lot to take.

If I’ve been pushing you away, that’s just the scorpio in me. Im hyper focused on all the things & it gets overwhelming to say the least.

Lately, Ive lost more than I’ve loved. I prefer the solo dolo trip; freedom is beautiful & im starting to unfold into a power house when im put together… Ive been striking out with so many ridiculous bad decisions … and i certainly cant handle that stress ; letting it go like wind 🌬 you can feel it, but cant see it

F R E E D O M : such an easy word to throw around, yet waste so much time on what it actually means 📌this new episode of elevation has only taken the last year of men to enter my life, trying to blow out my light

What in the … elevation is going up, not staying consistent. Let’s see what the new days bring.. I remain independent because I dont want to be locked down 🔒 until my better half can stand beside me thru it all #miamilife

Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi