AdCon Detroit 2013


Attending AdCon

November 16th – College For Creative Studies in Detroit, Mich.

AdCon is a professional conference for students to network with industry leaders by gaining knowledge on how-to tackle the advertising world. I found the event during a tour of College For Creative Studies on November 1st (day before birthday). I knew this conference was a good luck charm because it was my first available weekend until mid-December. The cost to attend was $30.00- which I remember to collect a receipt this time. My mentor is reminding to write-off expenses, travel and business. I traveled the distance to Detroit to prepare myself for this convention. I pulled an all-nighter earlier during the week to create postcard size designs that had valid points on my skillset and social media experience.

AdCraft of Detroit

I strongly urge any professionals interested in working within the Detroit community to research AdCraft. I was impressed by the value for students around Michigan to participate in industry events.

Postcard Resume

In order to get the attention of industry leaders, students or graduate professionals are encouraged to stand apart from the crowd. My strategic plan to promote my brand with a unique manner was ‘postcard-resumes.’ Postcard resume is a 4″x6″ – 4-color CMYK traditional printing piece that has the very condensed version of my skillset. I spent a few hours into the design, printed piece and full execution in action. If you would like to see the design and print piece – please go to this blogpost 🙂


I opened possibilities to network with not-only industry leaders, but student professionals. Upon arriving, I scanned the room looking for a direct spot in the middle. I arrived the moment the conference started so of course.. I was noticeable. I pulled out my iPad & snapped photos of everything around me.. blasting on Twitter using the hashtag #AdCon.


AdCon Detroit
Digital Media Industry Leaders
AdCon Conference
Breakroom Session
Professional Advertising Students
Professional Advertising Students

Professional Advertising Students IMG_0710 IMG_0708 IMG_0706 IMG_0705 IMG_0704 IMG_0703 IMG_0700 IMG_0699 IMG_0698 IMG_0697 IMG_0696 IMG_0695 IMG_0694

Overall Experience

This was my first year attending AdCon, I would strongly recommend other business students who enjoy marketing, sales, PR, creative and the list continues – to join! Ferris State University did a great representation of our student body by filling the breakroom sessions.

I gained networking contacts, new opportunities and a different approach to advertising operations. I love being surrounded by people, I could do a conference every few days that were similar to this conference.

Something Different

I thought about this the entire way back to FSU. I’m an innovator, hands-down.. everytime, anytime, everywhere. I observed individuals around the room. Students did not take advantage of tweeting ‘real-time posts,’ checking in on Foursquare. When I searched the keywords every few minutes, I noticed my posts were crawling on page 1 via

I would market more social media use.. have a QR code on the powerpoint slide so when the guest speaker or whoever is talking.. a person can scan the QR Code and go directly to the business professional’s twitter or linkedin.. (Boom!!) expanding network, creating online buzz

Buy a CHEAP fishbowl.. even a plastic one will work.. Put the fish bowl by the register table. Create a design that says “drop your business card for a free-year subscription to AdCraft).. 1. Getting something free (incentive) 2. Promoting yourself (brand) 3. What are you going to do with all of those business cards? Simple/// you have a few different options. Compile all the bcards into an excel document that separates the fields by name, address, phone, etc. Pivot the excel so only the phone entries will show up.. Create a SMS message that blasts to those professionals — “Thank you for attending AdCon, please remember to subscribe to AdCraft” — make sure the person isn’t charged.. or blast email newsletter every week to these on recaps, job openings and new things goin on