Eastern Market Art

Melissa DiVietri

Detroit Art
The street art scene in Detroit has been rated #1 in the country. We are exclusively the top city to enjoy street art. You may have recently heard about Shepard Fairey’s controversial street tagging in Detroit that really opened the media to putting a spotlight on the community.

Our street art is different – it’s tasteful. Artists from around the world travel to our city to paint on the walls that are being revived during our Rebirth of Detroit. They are laying down the stepping stones of color that will lead to the gateways of our rebuilt city. The colors make beautiful backdrops when snapping photos or making videos. You can get lost walking around the alley ways of Eastern Marketing while being inspired by artwork. I spend hours down in this area – just staring at the details, wondering what the artists were thinking when they created their masterpieces.
Nothing Stops Detroit

Murals in the Market

Recently, Eastern Market hosted artists from around the world to paint different areas in Eastern Market. This was called, “Murals in the Market.” I had the luxury to walk through Eastern Marketing during times when artists were painting live. You can view all of the murals at this link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/detroit-murals-in-the-market_560aad5de4b0af3706dde4b5

Detroit Street Art

Let’s get started with my walk around Eastern Market. I purchased a selfie stick – I wish I would have invested in this amazing tool a lot sooner – I had WAY too much fun using it… taking pictures OF EVERYTHING.. and of course – myself!
Melissa DiVietri

This wasnt the exactly perfect day to take photos of the street murals because there was a Lions game. I stuck out like thumb because I was the only person who was not wearing blue.. I should start following these things more online. But I don’t really go to Lions games because I cant sit still for an entire game. So I’ll be returning for more photos!

By using my selfie stick, I collected as many images as I was able too — even when there were cars, fans and tailgates in my way. I will be revisiting Eastern Market this week with a friend who takes professional photos.

Melissa – The Artist

I can respectfully understand how long it takes to create a large mural – the time, materials, commitment – you have to be a solid, dedicated artist to understand what value went into each layer of art.

I’m an artist myself – an abstract artist that specializes in fine art but best known for my Detroit cityscapes which have been featured in the news. I hosted an art gallery in the Russell Industrial Center for the majority of this year where I painted every single day. My art gallery was amazing (while it lasted) – I will never forget the community of artists. I hosted Detroit block parties each month where local artists would set up their tables of products, art and handmade goodies. Lately, I have been hosting pop up art events featuring my artwork because I don’t want to stop putting myself out there. Having your own space & hosting block parties requires a full time person / team – I couldn’t be that person anymore. You can view my artwork: www.melissadivietri.com/art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Detroit Street Art

Check back later this week for more photos from Murals in the Market!