The Red – Epic Edition

melissa divietri abstract art
melissa divietri abstract art

‘Patience is a Virtue;’ always what my mother would remind me. Learn to have patience for proper timing.  ♥️

I have nothing more to pressure other than I AM the most patient person considering the difficulty of my life. My daily activity goes through the hoops of fire that I must overcome to upkeep my medical attention & independence for a healthy lifestyle. I tend to shuffle my experiences in strides. As I am growing healthier & confident in my disability suit; the moment of satisfaction will only make the pot sweeter. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

I am standing confident in my body suit that projects a fierce attitude of power. There’s pressure to pursue this life as a positive influential person, in other words “hero” for what our awakening world needs in a role model. The expectation that I put on myself to be the sweetest hunni is beyond stressful; a daily mind game of chess. I just wanna hide away pretending that nothing is wrong with me. I am constantly dancing in circles from one emotion to the next; with up’s & down’s; ready to let myself go.. I have no fear; only faith. I move with purpose & intentions based on goal setting. It’s possible that my observers may not realize that I was born with a rare disease that creates additional stress from mobility & medical care. 

‘Life with Sacral Agenesis’, this rare disease affects the spinal cord by limiting the ability to walk without devices or adaptive equipment. For almost 15 years of my early childhood, I was in a wheelchair with full body braces worn at night, and then a walker device during the day… Now on this day, I’ve overcome 14 surgeries that have reconstructed my internal system becoming more independent(ish); using fore-arm crutches as mobility.

I’ve been a warrior since Day 1; the day where my mission had landed. I’ve struggled to accept my physical differences or my past trauma. I’ve never had the chance to meet my biological parents. 

Even though I have this feeling of unworthiness that instills from past trauma; I’ve never been afraid of dying… only been in fear of not trying – I want to fill my soul with satisfaction by doing something that matters to me..and give it all I have despite my physical challenges that I face as a disabled individual. I will keep moving until my body hits the floor from exhaustion because that is the warrior in me.

red abstract artred abstract artred abstract artred abstract artred abstract artred abstract art