Melissa DiVietri, born with sacral agenesis – a rare disease that affects your spinal cord by limiting ability to walk and internal organs that control feelings below the waist. From a wheelchair to full body braces, and a walker device at an early age; DiVietri is independent using crutches as mobility.
The fight has been since Day 1 – Struggling to maintain a healthy body with 14 surgeries, acceptance of her physical difference and fighting her past that led from never knowing her biological parents.
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To get you up to speed on my writing style, this is something that I published awhile ago and has exceeded 3,000 views “My Life, as you may know it”
What is my condition & how does it affect my life?

Breaking Barriers & Defining The Odds
Using forearm crutches to move around is a way of life that I have come to know all too well. As a person with a disability, I am constantly dealing with the challenge of balancing my energy and resources while adapting to the limitations that come with my condition. I’ve grown from full body braces […]

What A Beautiful Sight In Medellin
What a beautiful sight in Medellin @ccpalacionacional #medellin @missydi_artist

Gonna Be A Good One 
Gonna be a good one See y’all tomorrow in Comuna 13
please pray for good weather, it’s been tropical storming for hours – muy triste. View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)
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DiVietri’s blog
Personal Instagram
Abstract Art Page
Music Label
Detroit Passion Project
Detroit Techno Music