Havana Is Like Time-Travel

havana cuba

From the old classic cars to the outdated infrastructure and cobblestone walkways… I felt like I was stepping into a reality that existed 50 years ago.. and only recently has internet arrived in Havana.

It is very sweet how helpful Cuban communities are to one another.. everyone seems to know someone (for a taxi, housing, restaurant, party)… what-have-you there is someone to make the impossible seem possible.

Whewww, I am finally “stable” in beautiful Havana, Cuba… and able to check in by scheduling my posts that I’ve written over the last few days. My flights were postponed from mechanical issue, luggage delayed in connecting plane in Miami, one entire luggage full of medical supplies is damaged & not usable, moved to 3 different apartments so far, absolutely no internet connection and I speak zero Spanish… interesting New Year so far? I am managing to control the stress levels by pulling resources & improvising along the way (street smarts). Now more than ever, I wish I had a travel partner for someone to lean on for support and ideas during this epic adventure…However, I ask myself “How do you know what kind of person you want to be with for the rest of your life.. if you haven’t explored whose out there?” I choose to be single because I have high-standards for myself but also very complicated lifestyle… on the go all the time, that is a jet-setter’s lifestyle. A strong person will come when timing is right.. to travel beside me. I am still young xx Many more countries to explore to see what kind of person can hold me down but lift me up, too. I have the power to pick & chose who stays in or who stays out of my life.. learn that & own it. My last relationship was a solid 6 years long… I’m not in a rush as my time is of the essence… but who says you can’t taste the world while you travel it? I am discovering that some countries taste better ;] wink where would you go with your #travelbae?

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I have personally dipped into 5 different housing arrangements with Cuban families. I stayed in Playa, Miramar, Old Havana & Centro Havana. Switching homes was a different experience as some places were well kept, clean & beautiful and others were loud & dangerous. (Sorry mom / dad – u probably dont want to know).

I have an extremely intelligent sense of intuition… I can feel when something is not right or uncomfortable. You cannot trust anyone without first getting to know their intentions. Im inevitable for putting my guard down to open up for cultural experiences.

When time is all that I really want… and I can’t get back the seconds that I wasted. Having limited internet connection has become an eye-opening experience to monetize on as much as I can with the little amount of time that I have access too. I am spending $$$ for hourly internet access to check email and schedule social media posts — making me realize that every second counts. Time is of the essence. . . . . #ilovecuba #visitcuba #visithavana #ig_lahabana #ig_cuba #cuban #classiccuban #cubancars #classiccars #cubancar #vintagecars #cubanos #latinamerica #cubatravel #havana #habana #cubanstyle #latinamerica #streetphotographer #havanaphotography #havanacuba #myheartisinhavana #cubaphotography #womenwhotravel #traveler #travelislife #lifeofmissydi

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melissa divietri personality

Gorgeous 😍

From Medellin to Bogota to Cartagena to the coast of El Salvador in El Tunco.. Home girlllll (myself) has been around the block; beach; bar; boy toy – whatever travel life story that you want to call it. It wouldnt be right to say that I dont change my personality based on my environment. Think […]

havana cuba

My Havana Trip.. in Instagram Posts

My adventures in beautiful Havana, Cuba through my Instagram channel. Comment – Subscribe – Love Whewww, I am finally “stable” in beautiful Havana, Cuba… and able to check in by scheduling my posts that I’ve written over the last few days. My flights were postponed from mechanical issue, luggage delayed in connecting plane in Miami, […]


Not The Average Solo Traveler

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My heart is in Havana, Cubano

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havana cuba

Havana Is Like Time-Travel

From the old classic cars to the outdated infrastructure and cobblestone walkways… I felt like I was stepping into a reality that existed 50 years ago.. and only recently has internet arrived in Havana. It is very sweet how helpful Cuban communities are to one another.. everyone seems to know someone (for a taxi, housing, […]


16 Things To Consider When Planning A Trip To Cuba: For Americans

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Hardships of Remote Work in Cuba

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