melissa divietri guatemala

Inside My Hobbit House of Hobbitenango, Guatemala

My overnight excursion turned into one of the most unforgettable moments of my travel. Welcome To Hobbitenango The climb to the top of the mountain...
melissa divietri el salvador

12 Favorite Things in El Salvador

I always do some type of round up of favorite things with every country that I travel too. This was a tougher country to...

Queen of Medellin: My 35 Favorite Things About Medellin

Sadly, my trip to Medellin is coming to a close soon... I leave for El Salvador this Saturday for two weeks to visit a...
melissa divietri medellin

How To Travel Around Medellin

First and foremost.. Medellin, Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries that I have been blessed to travel. Medellin is located in a...