Avenue For The Arts


Avenue For The Arts

I went to my first “Avenue For The Arts” general meeting on Wednesday, December 4th at UICA in Grand Rapids. I was a bit late because of the weather driving down to GR. Big Rapids & Grand Rapids are night & day. There is never truly a way to tell what the weather might be like, except checking your phone apps!

Avenue For The Arts: An organization featuring a neighborhood of creatives that share their passions for art, photography and talent. There are many opportunities when involved with this group.

S. Division in downtown Grand Rapids was transformed with the help of individuals out of this organization. I am very interested in learning more about promoting my art in the city. This might be the perfect start to networking with the minds of artists!

Avenue For The Arts

I am looking forward to the possible doors that will open with the gain of membership. I hope this organization can boost my network with art gallery curators who are  excited to display work-of-art projects in their gallery.


Attending this general meeting was an advantage for my network. I decided to take a risk and introduce myself during the end of the meeting at Open Discussion. My introduction was a short babble on who-I-am, my inspirations and what I would like to overcome.
Avenue For The Arts

Moving Forward

After the meeting, I moved around the room and talked with different artists. I collected business cards and wrote down information about other upcoming exhibits.

This group is the ‘hub” for anything-artistic! I am researching tactical approaches on how-to become more familiar with involvement within Grand Rapids. The gallery spaces on S. Division are prime to get noticed by the city audience.

I am worried about the winter weather though. Although I will be attending Kendall twice per week, I am contemplating this decision based on the snow fall. I may not be able to attend as many venues as I would like, so that may play a factor in my involvement to become noticed.

I set goals on what I would like to accomplish from the Avenue for the Arts.

+ Network with business professionals
+ Showcases in GR
+ Join this of group of creatives
+ Collaborate with artists
+ Learn more about ArtPrize!

Melissa DiVietri

I invite my readers to take a deeper dive into my art with two sources (Website – /art) and (Facebook).

As an abstract artist, I have visioned more showcases in Michigan. With past showcases in Petoskey and Big Rapids, I am interested in growing my network with other cities who love art.

First Fridays

Unique venue on S.Division Street with open gallery nights to view showcases from different artists.

Please see my website for “First Fridays” venue.