Welcome Back to Ferris State [Video]

Welcome Back to FSU - Melissa DiVietri
Welcome Back to FSU – Melissa DiVietri

Welcome back to Ferris State!

Today was my first day on campus, it was overwhelming. Between the humidity & long lines in every building; I accomplished enough for the day. My schedule is decent this semester, but its hard to tell if some of my classes will be hard.

I did a lot of running around and finalizing paperwork that should have been completed many months ago when I submitted the documents. Between the constant run-around in emails, I decided to wait in the every-long lines and just get through it!

I organized my entire semester in my planner and my iPad calendar by balancing work with classes and extra curricular activities.

My evening is long tonight so I am off-line early! Running to the tanners to catch some UV rays, going to the library, a meeting at 6:30PM for Bulldog Radio, watching the first half of a softball game && working out at 7:45pm/.WHEEW! All in a days work! #BossLady