[The OC] My California Apartment & Features

Melissa DiVietri - OC Happy Face
Melissa DiVietri - OC Happy Face

I haven’t felt this amazing  — in my entire life. California is everything I have ever wanted, and much more! This is real, and I can’t go back.. it will take two plane trips & 9 hours that I am not willing to sacrifice. I am soaking up every minute of Orange County. I can’t stop smiling!


Orange County can make an impact on your happiness, ask me about it.


Look at my amazing tan that is starting to show, fancy huh? Today I spent 2.5 hours by the poolside (spoiled)- relaxing and reading. People haven’t heard of tanning booths, they just lay out in the sun. I have a rotten burn on my shoulders from dipping in the pool every-so-often and washing off my sunscreen.

My Apartment It took a lot of time cleaning up after the last roommate & I mean hours. I shoved two garbage bags worth of her leftover things in the trashcan. Check out the mess she left on the balcony.

How The Previous Roommate Left The Balcony
How The Previous Roommate Left The Balcony (Gross)
The Balcony Mess
The Balcony Mess - Roommate

After cleaning up after the past roommate, look how beautiful my balcony looks:

New & Improved Balcony
New & Improved Balcony

New & Improved Balcony — so fresh and clean!

“]Happy Face =]
Happy Face =

Look how happy I am now?

Make-shift Closet
Make-shift Closet

Make-shift closet. Shout/Out to the College of Engineering Technology at Ferris State University – if it wasn’t for my program, I wouldn’t have the skill set to make this closet with objects laying around the apartment. I put together this addition for my clothes with the help of engineering skills.

My Closet Space - Giant Mirrors
My Closet Space - Giant Mirrors

Giant Mirrors on my Closet — Two Sliding Doors — stuffed with my clothes already..

Kitchen Area
Kitchen Area

The kitchen area where I will cook food and other exciting things.

My Bedroom - Orange County
My Bedroom - Orange County

Orange County California Apartment

The Bed Area
The Bed Area

My bed, where I sleep when I have a free moment..

The Hot & Ready Area
The Hot & Ready Area

Hot & Ready Area — get ready in the morning.. Yes, utilizing a suitcase to hold all my accessories & makeup.

The Office Space
The Office Space

My office space — small but works what I need it to do.

Entering my place
Entering my place

Entering my bedroom

“]Bedroom =]
Bedroom =

Side view of my bedroom.


Bathroom =] — There are two other bedrooms & a kitchen area with table but I didn’t snap photos of those areas.

Irvine, California Weather
Irvine, California Weather

I took the liberty of snapping a few photos of my apartment complex. This complex is endless, it goes on & on.. from gorgeous white rose bushes to massive palm trees.

Palm Tree in Irvine, California
Palm Tree in Irvine, California

You wouldn’t believe how many pools & hot tubs are in this one complex. Some of the pools are doubles, where there are two pools right beside each other. As if – one giant pool is big enough, lets throw another pool right next to it, haha. Well I spent the afternoon at the closest pool to my apartment building. Tomorrow, a whole different story — my boyfriend and I have a skype date; so I will need to show him the mucho of all grandness in Irvine, Cali!

Reading, Roasting & Relaxing — California is my favorite addiction.

Poolside #1 at my California Apartment
Poolside #1 at my California Apartment

The adventures in Irvine, California — don’t stop now.

The OC - Melissa DiVietri
The OC - Melissa DiVietri

The weather, fresh air & diverse residents– perfect combination!

Laying In the Sunshine
Laying In the Sunshine

I did see a downfall today— the gas prices:

High Gas Prices in California
High Gas Prices in California