Movement Music Festival

Movement Detroit 2014

Movement Detroit

Movement Detroit is hosted downtown D at Hart Plaza during Memorial Day Weekend. The sunshine kicked off this beautiful weekend with good vibes, friendly people and a memorable experience.

I have been attending Movement for many years and each year grows stronger by getting bigger. Detroit lights up when Movement comes to the city. YOu can hear the bass from blocks away.. The LED, laser light shows, and different lighting arrangements make the festival a unique experience.

My favorite time of the festival is during the evening – when everything is packed; people are everywhere!

As we wrap up Day of Movement Detroit – the memories were priceless. After meeting so many different, unique individuals – I had a wonderful time roaming around each stage. There were 5 stages and a silent disco area – I went to each stage multiple times to capture the good vibes and some great media.

VIP Passes

I assisted Paxahau & Movement for many months as a street team coordinator. In return, I was delivered amazing VIP passes to attend the venue.


Movement VIP

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