Late Nights.. Late Nights.. Night Owl Life

melissa divietri

Some days, I just wanna leave the bullshit at the door and walk in with grace. I want relieve from my stress; hows that work with a physical disability though? I cant turn this off; my life is on the edge from every obstacle — waking up; to putting it down. I’m working my body from every inch – my mind, body and soul. Who does that matter too tho?

Late nights.. late nights.. night owl life. Im always thinking — over thinking – wishing my stress would deplete. All the insecurities that push and pull me in 5000 directions. Is this why I like entertainment business? The hustle and vibrations of being on edge? Somedays, maybe… but I have to candy coat it – make this life look like all the glory moments when really im on the dial hours a day to fight for what is right ; what is human rights — can I say social injustice without the trolls jumping on my di*ck? Like what’s with the energy of these leeches- when Im trying to catch a break.. I dont bring this on — it comes on to me.

Can I ask for a moment in my own space? Why you think I left Detroit for a hot minute.. having conservations with myself — is this sh*t worth it right now? The fear / the crazy / the sirens / the management company at my apartment – Why am I always fighting for what’s right.. and what I work my a$$ off to pay for. This will never end; the on-going challenges// up / down will never go away.

I know that I will always rise up and have to deal with everyone else’s problems. Why do I feel like I’m constantly battling for the right attention?

melissa divietriIm like jet set – let’s go get – for real. Take the Mustang and the pooch —>>>>>> hit the road… that way, all the problems can sit in the mail box lolol,. But thats not going to happen; clearly – I have to face this .. head on. If I want the life of freedom and remote living – My time is more valuable that people really understand. How many hours each day I have to care for my disability ? Can I take that time and put into something productive tho? But aren’t I already? If you would told me that I could change. Wait, I have to put it in the on going conversations with caseworkers — lets get on that rat race! #fuckme #lifeofmissydi


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Some days, I just wanna leave the bullshit at the door and walk in with grace. I want relieve from my stress; hows that work with a physical disability though? I cant turn this off; my life is on the edge from every obstacle — waking up; to putting it down. I’m working my body from every inch – my mind, body and soul. Who does that matter too tho? Late nights.. late nights.. night owl life. Im always thinking — over thinking – wishing my stress would deplete. All the insecurities that push and pull me in 5000 directions. Is this why I like entertainment business? The hustle and vibrations of being on edge? Somedays, maybe… but I have to candy coat it – make this life look like all the glory moments when really im on the dial hours a day to fight for what is right ; what is human rights — can I say social injustice without the trolls jumping on my di*ck? Like what’s with the energy of these leeches- when Im trying to catch a break.. I dont bring this on — it comes on to me. Can I ask for a moment in my own space? Why you think I left Detroit for a hot minute.. having conservations with myself — is this sh*t worth it right now? The fear / the crazy / the sirens / the management company at my apartment – Why am I always fighting for what’s right.. and what I work my a$$ off to pay for. This will never end; the on-going challenges// up / down will never go away. I know that I will always rise up and have to deal with everyone else’s problems. Why do I feel like I’m constantly battling for the right attention? Im like jet set – let’s go get – for real. Take the Mustang and the pooch —>>>>>> hit the road… that way, all the problems can sit in the mail box lolol,. But thats not going to happen; clearly – I have to face this .. head on. If I want the life of freedom and remote living – My time is more valuable that people really understand. How many hours each day I have to care for my disability ? Can I take that time and put into something productive tho? But aren’t I already? If you would told me that I could change. Wait, I have to put it in the on going conversations with caseworkers — lets get on that rat race! #fuckme #lifeofmissydi

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