Jet setter life is coming again 💎💎👾👾 2021 onward & upward.

Life of of missydi

Jet setter life is coming again 💎💎👾👾 2021 onward & upward. Lease is up in a month.. like my goodness..: putting faith into my research while putting my contents of life back in suitcases 🧳🤷‍♀️ #minimalist

What else can i do when the World is at my fingers #travel#underground i can move.. i can shake.. i can dance. Should i dance circles around u again? Lol!

I live in my own bubble of ambition ++ broken dreams… making due with the cards 🃏

Slayyyyyyyyyy on the paint… embrace change… be sweet as F. It drives bitches crazy!

Cant break a hunni from the midwest that’s already been destroyed on every single level. ✈️ 0-100

Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi
Life of of missydi

Summaries my lifestyle right now 😂 or at least my wanna be version of it #miamiunderground

Closing the new year with a special art showcase 🖼 cant wait to share the crazy things happening in the creative space!! Let’s go Miamiiii

Bout to go off 🕳