Eat your heart out don’t let fear destroy you.
The best way to fuel creativity is with healthy habits + good people who can bring you higher. #realtalk
Some unexpected events have suddenly forced change of habits in my life. There are too many things to explain; i miss moments .. not people. I miss feelings that were once real … but after cleaning off substance abuse; i began realizing those feelings were never real.
I’ll be switching up my Tuesday nights with streaming in my home- studio. For safety of my body & protection of my heart; I won’t be out in the detroit scene anymore. Finally realize that I need help; fighting my mind everyday .. battling the terror in my dreams. Waking up early; when the world is calm … to breath.
My best interest is me (excuse me if that sounds narcissistic but damn you’d be like too if u were me!)
Thank you, Detroit … im blessed that i was trapped in the bubble during the pandemic; the experiences woke me up; im no longer lonely in this cray world.
Thought id be safer in my backyard but ufffff!
Being forced & pulled in a direction (that im not even ready for) … well damn, heyyyyy !! Ill still put on those lashes + hoops … smile thru the tears, like my man tupac preaches – even thugz cry
You can clip my wings but never take my pride.
Why u think my eyes are made of glass? Because i see thru you i tell em, straighten up lil soldier; we have battles to lead.

Breaking Barriers & Defining The Odds
Using forearm crutches to move around is a way of life that I have come to know all too well. As a person with a disability, I am constantly dealing with the challenge of balancing my energy and resources while adapting to the limitations that come with my condition. I’ve grown from full body braces […]

My Disability Is Called Sacral Agenesis
My Disability Is Called Sacral Agenesis I don’t know what to say half the time when I’m speaking about a subject that I haven’t talked about in so long. So bare with me #disabled #disabilityawareness View this post on Instagram A post shared by Missydi Fanpage (@missydi.jpeg)

I Am My Own Advocate
I am my own advocate #disabilityawareness View this post on Instagram A post shared by Missydi Fanpage (@missydi.jpeg)

Preparing My Camera Angle For Filming My Full Body Shot
Preparing my camera angle for my first full body shot video. Trying to walk better into my disability suit as a leader that’s inspired and motivational. It’s really hard to wear a smile all the time. I am so tired just from my muscles and the pain in my shoulders. I don’t like to talk […]

Doing My Best 
Doing my best #disabilityawareness View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)