Been Keepin The Creative Juices Flowing
Been keepin the creative juices flowing. Had a wonderful weekend with my best friend, Slayed on the paint
we spent hours talking about our...
Have To Admit That Selina Medellin Took Advantage Of my Lil Cuteness; My Sweetness.....
Have to admit that Selina Medellin took advantage of my lil cuteness; my sweetness.. everything! However they actually taught me some valuable lessons in...
Art Comes From Within Your Body / And Soul
Art comes from within your body / and soul. There is something great to be said about someone who can create. I’ve always been...
Art Gallery in Medellin – Round 1 
Disaster @missydi_artist #missydiartist
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Disaster @missydi_artist #missydiartist
A post shared by Melissa DiVietri (@missydi) on Jan 22, 2019 at 5:26pm PST