Ultra Entrepreneur


The feeling when you are constantly working your ass off and hardly getting anywhere… that’s me. 24 / 7 — Entrepreneur, get it. I’d rather work for myself so I can make my own schedule — than work a 9 – 5 job and absolutely hate being chained to a desk. As an entrepreneur, I get to decide WHO I want to work with.. I get to decide WHO will benefit me, my business and future. That is why I take the risk and gamble it all. ()family, friends, money, rent, car, relationships() The long haul is 100% worth it.

Detroit… oh Detroit. The city does not make it easy to be an entrepreneur. I am extremely thankful to own a business in the city but I am fearful of not being able to continue affording my space. NY, LA, International buyers are coming in here treating Detroit like their playground.. that is totally unfair. May I please buy a build and rehab it too?! Pick me, pick me.. I say to the investors 😉

Melissa DiVietri
My social media agency is flying off the ground into the air.. Jet Set & Yacht Club (no really, I have clients in both industries). As I mentioned before, entrepreneurs can pick & choose who to work with. I research successful businesses, organization, entrepreneurs, investors that can offer an opportunity for my services. I prepare custom proposals with brand strategies in communication, digital marketing, advertising, social media, public relations, web development and search engine. Basically the entire marketing strategy – I have the resources, talent and higher education. I’m even considering going back to school just so I can be closer to young, innovative talent.

My business? Well its complicated.. because it’s so fresh to the industry.. so new. Trend setting!
I use intelligence tools with built in geolocation features to customize a target audience based on location, hashtag and other filters.

I’m young & beautiful.. I have confidence in myself. I believe in my passion. I inspire others.

This is my life… this is all I know

I can’t be another person because I’m just being me.