Nine Hour duration to Orange County, California


I hopped on a plane at Metro Detroit airport to start my new lifestyle in Irvine, California with a company I cannot mention due to privacy rights. Most of my fan base, which are friends and family, know who I will be working for.. and let me say – this is a dream come true.

Metro has always been my favorite airport to fly thru, but security was rough this time. Even my wheelchair assistance attendant couldn’t believe how long the process was taking to get thru the line. The wait was extremely long because of security problems with the machines.. I had one of my bags searched.. Hello!! its clearly obvious I have a physical disability && require medical supplies. Luckily, the guy was an angel and didn’t go thru my entire life of medical needs that I shoved into a bag – just in case my checked bags (two of them) were lost in flight.

Just a shout out to Delta for being the best airline in the world!

Salt Lake CIty from an airplane view
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My first trip to Salt Lake Citywas a 4 hour duration. I sat beside a French Canadian who read a book about a man who sailed around North America in a sailboat. Funny story, it was in French! I was impressed with this man. He was a complete gentlemen also, asked if I would like to share his sandwich. I happily declined but thought ‘how sweet.’

The mountains in Salt Lake City, how do I describe gorgeous? My eyes grew wide watching the plane soar over these huge mountains. Some of the high mountains had white snow caps… Brrr!

Cali Bound — What am I feeling right now? I feel like I am 38,000 feet above the air, oh wait! I was that high in the air.. Well the feeling is priceless and I cannot wait to start a hard core internship.

Melissa DiVietri - Trip to California
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Bring on California && all the million opportunities this state has to offer!

More images from my flight from Salt Lake City to Orange County, California.. which was 2 hours. I was ready to call it quits after an air time of 6 hours and duration of 9 hours altogether. The three-hour time difference made everything seem longer too!

Melissa DiVietri - Trip to California
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I reside in Orange County – the OC! This place is everything the magazines & digital advertisements dress the area up to be.. Expensive cars, gorgeous people && beautiful weather. This place may change my appearance but it will never change my personality. I am growing on the area.. and this is DAY ONE!

Orange County, California - Melissa DiVietri
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Just a few more air plane shots of the area… In my next blog, I will have pictures of the area I am staying && apartment shots. Can you imagine stepping into a lifestyle you have never been prepared for? The culture, diversity & different languages has become an addiction.. I want more!

Orange County, California - Melissa DiVietri
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I hope you enjoyed reading my first post about my adventures in California. I will blog each & every day about exciting events that happen while I am here.

Orange County, California - Melissa DiVietri
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