#30DayChallenge – Day 15 #ISoarWithMissyDI

Melissa DiVietri #30daychallenge

#30daychallenge we are cooking with feedback on how I should be crafting my inspiration for my 30-day challenge. I’m overwhelmed, thank you all for caring LOL 😝 👏🏻👏🏻 #ISoarWithMissydi

here’s day15 – describe a time when you didn’t have money, but you still went for it. What did you do and was it worth it in the end?

👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 Me: I opened a credit card, charged $2000 for a flight, and Airbnb to go to art Basel 2018 from Colombia; for a seriously quick trip. I tried to take my best girlfriend Juliana, but we got set back with the immigration department in Bogota… Got stuck in a poor Airbnb because everything was booked 🥵🥵, one week before showtime. I found something cheap… and got to work as a live painter in the Wynwood Walls— woo Miami!!. I was asked to participate in Creating street Art + take away pieces for folks who were roaming through the different sections of the warehouse walls. This was absolutely worth it.

I hooked up with a music producer who took me under his wing to all of Miami hotspots. I snuck into magazine parties, private shows, clubs & premiere events with my friend Luc, we are crazy! name dropping people we didn’t know on the iPad.. asking for favors lololol I’m like but please, we here already 😝👑🇺🇸 spent every evening at Club Space Miami until I either threw up LOL or passed out from dancing so hard. I mean what can I say, when you’re in Miami right!!?. Not every moment is proud moment but I was spending money that I didn’t have & party my ass off with people I hope to be around forever.

We made memories & contacts with club owners + friends in the art world. Ran into classmates from university!! What are the odds! Big Rapids in Miami! 😱 Flew back to Medellin with a case full of art + over charge luggage expenses $$$- should I say yolo??? If you wanna see more abstract art @missydi_artist — now it’s your turn! What crazy thing did you do with no money, honey!? PS: I am still paying off this CC so don’t think I’m Ballin… the trip maxed my credit — worth it! 😂 #artistlife #detroitartist #artbasel2018

Melissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallenge



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#30daychallenge we are cooking with feedback on how I should be crafting my inspiration for my 30 day challenge. I’m overwhelmed, thank you all for caring LOL 😝 👏🏻👏🏻 #ISoarWithMissydi here’s day15 – describe a time when you didn’t have money, but you still went for it. What did you do and was it worth it in the end? 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 Me: I opened a credit card, charged $2000 for a flight and Airbnb to go to art basel 2018 from Colombia; for seriously quick trip. I tried to take my best girlfriend Juliana, but we got set back with the immigration department in Bogota.. Got stuck in a poor Airbnb because everything was booked 🥵🥵, one week before showtime. I found something cheap… and got to work as a live painter in the Wynwood Walls— woo Miami!! . I was asked to participate in Creating street Art + take away pieces for folks who were roaming through the different sections of the warehouse walls. This was absolutely worth it. I hooked up with a music producer who took me under his wing to all of Miami hotspots. I snuck into magazine parties, private shows, clubs & premiere events with my friend Luc, we crazy! name dropping people we didn’t know on the iPad.. asking for favors lololol im like but please, we here already 😝👑🇺🇸 spent every evening at Club Space Miami until I either threw up LOL or passed out from dancing so hard. I mean what can I say, when you’re in Miami right!!?. Not every moment is proud moment but I was spending money that i didnt have & party my ass off with people i hope to be around forever. We made memories & contacts with club owners + friends in the art world. Ran into classmates from university!! What are the odds! Big Rapids in Miami! 😱 Flew back to Medellin with a case full of art + over charge luggage expenses $$$- should i say yolo??? If you wanna see more abstract art @missydi_artist — now its your turn! What crazy thing did you do with no money, honey!? PS: i am still paying off this CC so dont think im ballin… the trip maxed my credit — worth it! 😂 #artistlife #detroitartist #artbasel2018

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