If you love me, then show it

melissa divietri

I didnt get to where Im going by letting folks step on my tracks; or enjoy my wave of influence. Hold yourself accountable to be a good friend . colleague . partner . ; its not up to me.

The doors have been flooding open with opportunity after my peak moment last week / new venues in music, consult requests && a ghost from 15 years ago just walked bk into my life. Visualization ; manifesting where I can be & how I can get there… I cant do it alone; that’s obvious; it takes a village.

i cut you off – because you need me to make you stronger?. Pff, no; come back when you’re ready to deal. Law of attraction; I cant have entourage when i need team… team, lets go.. lets do it for the right reasons & make something that we are proud of. Success follows success HOLA. ////

Dreams happen; if you surround yourself with the right people and remove the toxic ones from your life… you can put time in the right places for self-satisfaction. So hopefully I can take my own advice & start shutting doors so I can prepare to open new ones.

We got moves to make —-> Jet Set // Colombia :: Dec 2019

melissa divietrimelissa divietrimelissa divietri