When you feel like you’re free-falling

melissa divietri

You are not alone, there are many people that feel like they don’t have a grip on their life. Sometimes life is out of your control, you just have to deal with it.

There are days when I feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired. I feel like the day is almost over and I don’t have anything done. These are normal reactions that trigger emotions. I am a constant planner, worrier and I over-analyze everything. I put an image on social media that shows my strength, determination and willingness to get through every situation w class. I may have worry and fear as an emotion inside but I remain bold and prominent on the outside. The way that you portray your actions and emotions to people will show the true side of your personality. If you are a happy person – you should smile more. If you are a funny person, you should tell a joke more often (even if you don’t know the person, you may make their day by making them laugh). You can’t tell what kind of day the other person is having by looking at them.. Someone may have lost a loved one, missed a train to go on vacation, spilled coffee on their freshly cleaned car.. whatever – these things may have recently happened to me but I’m still OK. I’m happy, I’m over it – don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s ALL small stuff. If you overwork yourself, stress will build up and that makes for an unhappy person. Smile at the person you cross paths with.. say hello.. tell them you like their necklace. Just try  it. you might surprise yourself on the reactions you get from being a social person.

I cannot tell you how many messages that I receive on social media channels from people who read my blog, tweets, graphics and pick themselves back up. They are sharing their personal stories about their life complications and it almost brings tears to my eyes because I feel like I’m getting somewhere with myself. People are sharing their physical disabilities, challenges in their life with motivation and pain that they are experiencing by being affected by the medical life… I’m humble to have the honor to listen to these stories.

These messages are my inspiration to keep writing. I want to be here for you, I want to make a constant difference in the world and I need to continue giving back because I feel like I could do more.

The feedback from these new friends is unreal, I can’t even explain how it feels – it;s almost a new feeling because this has never happened so frequently to me. Some people go out of their way to send me long paragraphs about their obstacles. I’m a complete stranger and they are sharing something so personal. I mean, I don’t feel like a complete stranger afterwards- but you know what I’m saying.

Life is going to be a challenge.. that’s just the way it is. Until you accept that you do not have control of the things that happen to you, you have to make that difference. You may not be able to control the things that come at you – but you can control your reactions and how you deal with them. Put as much time and energy into something that you love – something that makes you tick… you will be happy in the long run when you are dedicated to your passion, motivated and self-sufficient. Some people may think you’re crazy for taking risks, but what do they know. You will get new friends – friends who share the same drive, goals and work-ethic. Surround yourself by those who can lift you up.

My life may look like I have it all together, but it’s not. We all have our moments when we fall.. but I continue lifting myself back up because my strength inspires people. I want to be a good role model and a successful business woman. I have a lot of goals that I want to accomplish and I don’t waste a day of it!

Put your best foot forward.