5 Ways To Stay Proactive On Monday



On the early morning grind? Pulled an all – nighter? Late on making deadlines? Your inbox is full? What about your social media notifications?

Well if you’re an entrepreneur, it doesn’t really matter what day of the week it is. You are probably working around the clock already. It doesn’t feel like a Monday to me. I’m going to help you kick start your day on the right foot! Let’s start off with “5 Ways To Be Proactive on Monday” – and you can add to this list too!

#5 – Get out your To-Do list: It is highly effective to balance time management by maintaining a “To Do” list that priorities your projects / deadlines. I keep a small notebook with me (at all times) and a larger note book at my desk space. I tend to doodle when I’m inspired by something / someone. Start by writing the date at the top of the page. List all of the projects that you have running. Keep track of who needs to be invoiced or follow up. As you complete the projects, highlight the task or make a check box. This will help you stay proactive with your time.

#4 Bust out your favorite playlist on Pandora: Jams are a must! Don’t get distracted by what’s happening around you. Get into your zone by plugging in those headphones. Put on your favorite playlist.. and go! I prefer “DEEP HOUSE” on Pandora — yes, 120 MPH music to keep my head running three thousands tasks per hour 😉

#3 Find a creative space! I am working out of a coworking space in downtown Detroit. This space has three floors where I can explore many different seating arrangements while being surrounded by other creative individuals. If you have a certain space that gets the creative juices flowing, I would work out of that area.

#2 Set Goals:  Which may go back to the TO DO list area… in order to reach new heights, you must be willing to take risks. Set goals to accomplish this week.. Monday is a great day to consider setting goals – spend the next few days knocking them down.

#1 Take Breaks Maybe the stress of having a full inbox is killing you… so take a break, do one thing at a time. You don’t have to worry about getting back to everyone. Do your best – clients will understand. You are only one person.


It’s a simple list of 5 ways to get proactive — but each item goes a long way. Monday is a fresh start – think of it that way! Feel free to drop how you stay proactive.