5 Facts That You Didn’t Know About Me

melissa divietri

There are certain parts of my life that I keep private and others, public. I’ve become more confident with sharing my stories because the feedback has been helpful to others. I am going to share a few moments of my life that you may or may not have known about me. Let’s get them rolling…

#5: I’m Italian & Polish

My parents are Italian & Polish… I call them salt & pepper because my dad is a firecracker and my mom is gentle.

I visited Naples in summer 2013 where my father’s distant family resides. I researched in advance when traveling to NEW YORK by taking a trip to Ellis Island. I found my distant relative Francisco DiVietri arrived in 1903. From there, I went to social media and began adding all of my cousins into a Facebook group to communicate with them. I took a year of Italian language and Italian business to send messages and make plans for my study abroad trip.

Italy was a wonderful experience – you can read more about it here: Italy

#4: Born & Raised Catholic

My good faith stems from growing up Catholic — going to Sunday School, Baptism and Communion. I have a good relationship with God as I trust in everything that happens to me. I speak out loud for his guidance and answers when I am lost or sometimes just to talk to someone. I do feel guardian angels around me. I can feel them watching me, holding my hand and getting me around safely. I am so blessed to have security so I don’t have to be afraid to do things.

#3: I saved a scholarship

During my freshman year of university, I was asked by the President of Ferris State University to share my story to the Board of Appropriations at the Capitol in Lansing, MI. I had an extraordinary story to share in hopes of saving a scholarship that was funding for some of my classes. This scholarship was on the chopping board, along with 7 others, from being removed from the budget. The significance of this scholarship helped low-income families fund education to stay in school.

I spoke in front of the Capitol on 3 occasions – each round was more aggressive but my confidence won over the room. The scholarship was not removed and even increased by $2,000 per year to help with housing. It;s been since 2009 — the scholarship is still growing strong as more than 1200 students in Michigan benefit from Tuition Incentive Program each year. Wow.. can you believe it?

You can read more about this journey at the Capitol: Scholarship

#2: I was adopted

My biological parents couldn’t take care of themselves – they were over their heads having 3 children and needed resources to maintain a healthier life. We were put up to the state at a young age but won over by our grandparents (my mom and dad). I didn’t fully understand everything at first, especially growing up and certain things were kept a secret so we could be protected. Now that I’m older, I understand certain emotions from both sides of the story. I’m happy that I was given a second chance at family and grateful that I experienced this. We moved from Traverse City, MI to Jackson, MI and I now have 7 siblings. It’s pretty cool that our family is like a BIG holiday whenever we get together.

#1: Travel

I love to travel… I could pack up my life and live out of a suitcase. Travel is good for your soul.. you can’t get high on life without it.

I like to bounce from one city to the next. I am a person who enjoys experiencing moments and developing relationships. The more relationships that I create, the happier that I am as a person. I do my best to inspire others and bring the best out of them. I am drawn to motivated individuals.

I recently returned from 3.5 weeks in Indonesia and met some of the most driven individuals in the world. Learn more about my journey in Bali.

I fell in love with my experiences from Indonesia and want to duplicate these journeys in different cities. I am leaving for Toronto in less than a week to enjoy Toronto International Film Festival. Afterward, I will be flying to Orlando to attend Graph Expo. I decided to take October off as a no-fly zone to catch up on the things happening in Detroit before winter hits.

I’m pleased to share a few things about my past, present and future with you! I hope that I can inspire you to write a post about 5 things people didn’t know about you!

I missed you too, CoCo! #minpin #chihuahua

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