10 Challenges of My Physical Disability

melissa divietri disability

As I grow into an influencer in my industry (social media), I begin to realize how much power I have to motivate & drive my network. I embrace challenges; I love them actually.😘

➡️➡️Every obstacle has a beginning to an end… ⬅️⬅️


Which is why I’m so driven & passionate to be the light in the digital media space… I know the in’s & out’s of social media technology & how we get lost in feeds and not being true to yourself. We all need a hero, mentor, friend – someone we can look up too – and say “I want to be just like you.” 😁😁

Some of you are probably thinking, “Melissa! You have a what!? A disability?” 😱😨

More than half of the time.. I completely forget that I have a physical disability..my lower half of my body has many complications & I relay on walking with crutches everyday. Having a physical difference doesnt cross my mind until I am faced with a challenged… I’m confident & it’s contagious.

I created this vlog on “10 Challenges Of My Physical Disability” to prove that even though I have this incredible lifestyle that shines on my social media… I have a lot of sh*t going on too. We all have our own obstacles & challenges to face.. that is what makes us unique as individuals. But I would never even be close to this success — if I didn’t have these challenges.

If you really enjoyed my vlog, you have permission to share & I hop you opt-in my newsletter on www.melissadivietri.com so you can have motivated goodies to share with yourself, network or someone who needs a pick me up. 😘
