Saying Goodbye To The Mothership In Detroit


Saying goodbye to the mothership in Detroit

The feeling is mutual, my love-hate relationship with the city has come to an end. It won’t be long before I come back, I expect around April for the return. Detroit has opened my eyes to a lot of possibilities and different personalities in people. There are no words to describe what I’m going through right now. I’m down to do something different to get back my happiness.

Some behind-the-scenes things that have happened to me personally are not to be shared on a public platform. There will come a day when I share individually the obstacles that I’ve had to overcome to get to this point.

My last day is this Friday in downtown Detroit before I start my cross-country road trip around the US. Wish me luck 🍀#lifeofmissydi



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The feeling is mutual, my love-hate relationship with the city has come to an end. It won’t be long before I come back, I expect around April for the return. Detroit has opened my eyes to a lot of possibilities and different personalities in people. There are no words to describe what I’m going through right now. I’m down to do something different to get back my happiness. Some behind-the-scenes things that have happened to me personally are not to be shared on a public platform. There will come a day when I share individually the obstacles that I’ve had to overcome to get to this point. My last day is this Friday in downtown Detroit before I start my cross-country road trip around the US. Wish me luck 🍀#lifeofmissydi

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Detroit swag 🤙🏻🔉

Detroit swag 🤙🏻🔉   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)


Missing The Lakes Pure Michigan

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detroit michigan

What A Crazy Feeling That I’m Going Through 🗽👀

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Michigan made

Michigan made ❤️💜

The sounds of peace and quiet… Michigan made ❤️💜

popping up in Michigan

I am popping up in Michigan for a bit ❄️

I am popping up in Michigan for a bit ❄️ send me a DM for dates, I am looking for rides 🚗 View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)