Remote working from Detroit Institute of arts

Detroit Institute of arts

Remote working from Detroit Institute of Arts

I will be working online remotely from the Detroit Institute of arts starting three days a week, this will be my opportunity to immerse myself in other artist’s masterpieces🥴 I am hosting pop-ups in downtown Detroit with my art to fill the void of my gallery being closed in Colombia 🇨🇴 you really never know what life will throw at you, one day you’re doing one thing and tomorrow you might be doing something completely different. I was not expecting to stay this long in the states but I have been surrounded by entrepreneurship minds every day. Detroit teaches me how to be humble #midwestchick #artistlife if anyone is interested in my YouTube channel, send me a direct message so I can give you a link for subscription. ❤️


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I will be working online remotely from the Detroit Institute of arts starting three days a week, this will be my opportunity to immerse myself in other artist’s masterpieces🥴 I am hosting pop-ups in downtown Detroit with my art to fill the void of my gallery being closed in Colombia 🇨🇴 you really never know what life will throw at you, one day you’re doing one thing and tomorrow you might be doing something completely different. I was not expecting to stay this long in the states but I have been surrounded by entrepreneurship minds every day. Detroit teaches me how to be humble #midwestchick #artistlife if anyone is interested in my YouTube channel, send me a direct message so I can give you a link for subscription. ❤️

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Detroit swag 🤙🏻🔉

Detroit swag 🤙🏻🔉   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)


Missing The Lakes Pure Michigan

Missing the lakes #puremichigan   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

detroit apartment

One of a kind views of Gotham City

A collage of images from my apartment in Detroit.

open air festival

Getting the floor warmed up

Getting the floor warmed up with techno sounds at Still Loading! 🎵🧟⠀⠀Photo: 📸 @detroitcomebackkid⠀ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Melissa DiVietri Artist Page (@missydi_artist)

open air festival

Move your body to the beat! 🎵

Move your body to the beat! 🎵 ⠀⠀Photo: 📸 @detroitcomebackkid⠀ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Melissa DiVietri Artist Page (@missydi_artist)