Remote working from Detroit Institute of Arts
I will be working online remotely from the Detroit Institute of arts starting three days a week, this will be my opportunity to immerse myself in other artist’s masterpieces I am hosting pop-ups in downtown Detroit with my art to fill the void of my gallery being closed in Colombia
you really never know what life will throw at you, one day you’re doing one thing and tomorrow you might be doing something completely different. I was not expecting to stay this long in the states but I have been surrounded by entrepreneurship minds every day. Detroit teaches me how to be humble #midwestchick #artistlife if anyone is interested in my YouTube channel, send me a direct message so I can give you a link for subscription.

Detroit swag 

Detroit swag View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

Missing The Lakes Pure Michigan
Missing the lakes #puremichigan View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

Getting the floor warmed up
Getting the floor warmed up with techno sounds at Still Loading! ⠀⠀Photo:
@detroitcomebackkid⠀ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Melissa DiVietri Artist Page (@missydi_artist)

Move your body to the beat!
Move your body to the beat! ⠀⠀Photo:
@detroitcomebackkid⠀ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Melissa DiVietri Artist Page (@missydi_artist)