No Lashes // No Makeup // Just Pure Soul, Baby

melissa divietri

No lashes // no makeup // just pure soul, baby.. and you’ll know how much I hate that basic word ‘just’ … I get it, I’m losing my mind a bit because the ppl don’t see my vision. Even my chest hurts, no sleep.. #anxiety and fear of what the fuq is going down the next day. This is all I have folks. we all have our own moments. Don’t be mistaken, this isn’t a slip up. I’m trying to make a living doing the things that i love. I keep telling ppl that shit doesn’t show up in your mailbox… like hello surprise, beetch !! 🎊 yah – no.

All I gotta keep doing is have faith. I know the back of my mind the day is fresh tomorrow. #keepgoing I’m so tired.. mentally and physically exhausted from making everyone around me – either worried or not understanding of my path… my life is my choice. I’m not running away, I’m running towards 🏝 ill catch my high… ill have my dude. All the things will fall into the category as the way they intended. If you don’t hear from me, it’s most likely because your bullshit is weighing on me. And I’m ‘woke’ ppl – my straight face about to turn into bitch face permanently, I choose to be who I am. I’ve accepted that I’m a firecracker. Time heals all. Time reveals all. ⏰

melissa divietri


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No lashes // no makeup // just pure soul, bby.. and ya’ll know how much i hate that basic word ‘just’ … I get it, im losing my mind a bit because the ppl dont see my vision. Even my chest hurts, no sleep.. #anxiety and fear of what the fuq is going down the next day. This is all i have folks. we all have our own moments. Dont be mistaken, this isnt a slip up. Im trying to make a living doing the things that i love. I keep telling ppl that shit doesnt show up in your mailbox… like hello surprise, beetch !! 🎊 yah – no. All i gotta keep doing, is have faith. I know the back of my mind the day is fresh tomorrow. #keepgoing im so tired.. mentally and physically exhausted from making everyone around me – either worried or not understanding of my path… my life is my choice. Im not running away, im running towards 🏝 ill catch my high.. ill have my dude. All the things will fall into category as the way they intended. If you dont hear from me, its most likely because your bullshit is weighing on me. And im ‘woke’ ppl – my straight face about to turn into bitch face permanently , i choose to be who i am. Ive accepted that im a firecracker. Time heals all. Time reveals all. ⏰

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