Saying Goodbye To My Castle In The Sky – Detroit
Saying goodbye to my castle in the sky was so hard. The view of living in the clouds, my perch. It took weeks to convince the apartment complex to approve my application because I had identity fraud while living abroad last year. Some motherfucker opened an American Express card in my name, racking up $14,000 of whatever they wanted // i don’t know, I slept in a hotel in Oak Park on 8 mile. $35 night.. Hoodlums were knocking on my door at 3 o’clock in the morning asking me to smoke, calling my phone asking me if I had a boyfriend. My dog had a torn ACL and she’s going crazy every time the phone rang or someone knocked on the door. I was patient, I went into debt trying to make a dream come true living dollar to dollar.
I slept on my friend’s couch for 10 days almost wanting to give up, move into my parent’s house and start over. It wasn’t until the last moment with my persistence that I earned this view on the 22nd floor of my apartment. Everything happens for a reason. As much as I miss this view I’m happy to be away. There’s a vibration going on in the city that I don’t want to be a part of. I don’t know what the feeling is but it’s not the normal hustle and grit that I’m used to. My feelings are this, People will start to miss you; if you leave an imprint on their heart. People will realize that they need you when your away And they don’t have you anymore. It’s unfortunate that it might take some time… but I always say — you can’t open a new door until you close the first one.
If there’s no door to close then build one to open. I hope that I grow into a person that I’m proud of while I am living in South America. I hope I turn into a more relaxed person so when I return to the city, I’m not upset by the small things. I’m thankful for having something I can be proud of, something that I earned and wasn’t given to me. This is #detroit

Detroit swag 

Detroit swag View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

Missing The Lakes Pure Michigan
Missing the lakes #puremichigan View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

What A Crazy Feeling That I’m Going Through 

What a crazy feeling that I’m going through I’m excited to touch down in the States. View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)

Michigan made 

The sounds of peace and quiet… Michigan made

I am popping up in Michigan for a bit 
I am popping up in Michigan for a bit send me a DM for dates, I am looking for rides
View this post on Instagram A post shared by MissyDi (@missydi)