5 Key Drivers of a Successful Personal Brand


Melissa DiVietri

What are your key drivers to success? Let me think of my 5 Key Drivers of a Successful Personal Brand.. and together, we can discuss why I think these are so important to an online brand reputation..

OKay – > FIVE
5 — Support Circle == whether its your network, friends, family or online community — if you are going to leave a digital footprint – you should brand yourself to the best of your ability. Good things happen to those who put themselves OUT there. Think of trending topics.. what better way to get feedback than posting information to your support circle? Note: This is the MOST important driver because you should constantly have love coming from people around you — online & offline!

4. Content – following #5 would be content creation to share with your support circle. Who better to tell you the truth? ;] Write blog posts weekly on things that inspire you.. Write a review, public release about a company or support a community event. Content is key to keep people interested in what you have to say…

3. Social Media Marketing — Use social platforms to promote this content. Craft a message that is so inspiring, people will want to read more! Share with your networks and have people engage by asking a question or offering an incentive to your posts. For example: I host a Facebook content by giving Abstract Art on my FB LIKE page when I reach a milestone — such as 1,000 LIKES or an accomplishment — www.facebook.com/mel.di.designs – There will be a link in the video of my LIKE page for some more resources on what to post.

++ Follow thought leaders in your industry… keep up with the latest trends by setting up Google alerts on industry terms. Social Listen .. and so on. You need to holler at me for more info on that. 😉

2. Confidence –– the internet can be a very cruel world where cyber bullying happens, protests begin and trending topics that are shitting on our society.. But it can also be a place of love.. support & awareness. When you master the different social platforms, how they work, how to talk on them and what the best things/times and resources to post. I use social media to spread information =-= things that I THINK about.. and just want the world to know.

1. DRIVE — is the final driver to my success.. – Driver = Drive! You have to believe in yourself — that you want to keep going further… Drive is what makes you who you are.. if you want to to travel bound to explore the world.. or if you’re ready to make it to the top of your career level.. Be an influencer to your peers, colleagues and people who follow you by lead.. Start by influencing yourself first.

That’s what I have for 5 drivers.. what are yours? And did this video help you?