Manage Social Media


Manage Social Media For Your Business. Drive brand awareness, expose the company brand and increase audience engagement. Request a social media proposal customized around your company’s needs-analysis. Ask me how today!

Creation of a Social Media Marketing Plan: Detailed guide to increase brand awareness in a digital atmosphere. Development of social media platforms depending on company’s need-analysis. A few platforms may include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ & many more.

Fresh Marketing Strategies: Review existing social media platforms & integrate new tactics to boost engagement for developed relationships.

Social Media Management: Allow full administrative access to post on your company’s behalf on existing social media platforms.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social Media is a great way to share information with your network. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging and YouTube are the top five social media platforms used for small businesses. Apply different tactics across each platform to gain the best connection with your developed relationships.

Your market should become aware of events, news and community engagements on a daily basis. For example, if there is going to be a contest or give-away – try publicizing the information in a consistent manner in the digital space. Other examples are launching new products & congratulating business goals.

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Brand Messaging

Ask yourself: What do you want to use social media for? What do you hope to accomplish within a strategic plan?

Find ways to incorporate messages that will voice your company brand in posts across your social media platforms. Each platform requires a certain voice that will engage the users to interact on the page. Establish a marketing plan that utilizes tactics built around your company brand. Take some time to build a reputation that is knowledgeable on being the resource for your services. Educate your market to help your customers.

Stay on the cutting edge as an expert in your industry! Build a brand and reputation!

Provide pictures of your work & use testimonials that expose your services.

Melissa DiVietri Media

Marketing Tactics

Resources that can create audience engagement and brand exposure can be as simple as content marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization.

Other resources include blogs, ebooks, how-to-guides and videos.

Most experts stay up-to-date on trends and industry news. Educating your market doesn’t mean you have to give away your services.

Weekly Time Commitment

Marketers who invest the most time in social media will gain the most business partnership by generating leads with social platforms. A significant 62% of marketers are using social media for 6 hours or more. The majority of small businesses that deploy social media marketing for two years or longer have generated exposure for their businesses.


Most Popular – 1 hour consultation – $150:
Topics covered include how to effectively organize and present your small business on social media and website review (if applicable). Determine which social media platforms are best to present your services in the digital atmosphere. Discuss benefits of social media to reach your audience and build online community.

Specific Consulting Services (billed at $75 per half hour):

Critical analysis of your website.
Manage Social Media
Creating YouTube videos
SEO marketing

Writing, Speaking, and Seminars for Website/Blog (rates vary):

Write/rewrite about section for business.
Custom content for business services
Use Search Engine Optimization to your benefit

Have questions about your particular situation? Let’s talk~

Menu of services include:

Social Media Mentoring
Social Media Consultancy
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Strategic Plan

Interested in learning more? Schedule a Skype call or send an email to