How To Use Instagram Tool – Ink361

Instagram Tool

Actionable Instagram Insights. made easy. Access deep insights into your Instagram account. Measure your performance and benchmark against competitors.

Social Media Tool For Instagram – Ink361

1. Sign Up for a FREE account with
2. Log into your Instagram account
3. Wait a few moments for your statistics to populate.


Your latest Instagram posts will display underneath your screen-name.


View your profile, engagement and conversations about your brand. Click on the post to view the comments, respond in real time and analyze the reach.

Instagram Tool

Summarize your profile for actionable insights.
Instagram Tool

Discover how many posts are published over time (year / month) and benchmark on where your brand should be. Set goals.
Instagram Tool

Learn which posts have the top performing comments and likes.
Instagram Tool

There are other features where you can utilize Ink361 to analyze your data and discover your target audience. Follow me on social media @missydi on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat.