I’m such a beach babe.. #IslandLife

melissa divietri island

My surfer get-away.. oh how I love those..

Getting busy in El Tunco – El Salvador

Real good chat with an orphanage in El Salvador- I was blessed to randomly meet them when my crutch broke yesterday ! They came to my rescue to fix it.. so nice. That was heaven sent. 🙏🏻 I am going to develop website, social media pages — all that good #marketing stuff. First and foremost, I need cash flow to build them a playground + new beds as they need improved living. I'm doing what I Set out to do.. help people during my travels, change the game and open doors for people who deserve it. The whole country will be affected by these moves. I'm open to doing the same back in Detroit also. Donate my skills to improve the lifestyle of orphans.. #didyouknow that I was adopted also? My brothers and I were adopted when we were kiddies. Blessing to have a family take you in as your own ✌🏼 #entrepreneur #international

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How epic this beautiful beach was.. I mean, come on? I had white sand surrounding me with beautiful bodies and real good views.

This view will never get old #eltunco #elsalvador

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The sunsets were million dollar views.. and all I had to do was buy a couple drinks and tip my waiter / waitress for the table service.

Waiting for that #travel companion!! U ready @thelifeofbradee

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Island Life

Who wouldn’t want to work in their bikini everyday tho? I mean, absolute— fucking -lutely.

I am surrounded by international hotties who want to cater to me because Im the gringa lol

“thanks for coming to my country” they would say, and many other things — of course.

If I didn’t go to El Tunco, I probably wouldn’t enjoy El Salvador. I would visit again to see my friends for sure. Meet me at the beach tho!!

It's hot today…90 degrees and rising 👌☀️ #workandplay #entrepreneur

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Oh and the weather.. absolutely perfect 90 degrees, every single day.

