And that’s how the cookie crumbles 🍪

abstract artist

And that’s how the cookie crumbles 🍪

When the week is over, check on yourself for what intentions were put into place. Evaluate how you can improve + what makes the most sense for YOU!

I stopped living my days for other people. And it feels so liberating

I’m checking off people who are taking everything from me. Time : money energy / awareness : passion / love : skills

Now I understand what they say’what you put out is what you get back’

I have lil reminders around my house on how to keep my tripper mind straight… shifting energy into the wrong places and all of a sudden my day is fucked.

Planning more + thinking carefully… crossing people out of my life. I can’t hold the weight anymore. I have my own shit going on.

Spending the day in Wynwood Walls to paint.. make a community around my energy & skill.. going to aspire the fuck out of people until I am covered in acrylic paint 🎨

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