Featured artist Melissa DiVietri opens exhibition of abstract art and photography of Detroit. This showcase is displayed at Great Lakes Coffee.
“I wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to D-Town. Don’t we all?”
This love / hate relationship with Detroit City is known by far too many. One moment, you’re on that high cloud floating but a second later; reminded to check your six. Detroit completes my addiction to fast living hustle.
The city has a way to teach life skills without realizing you’re gaining something valuable in return. I’ve paid my debts; disconnected myself from the rest of the world to be here. When I’m faced with challenges, I remember that change is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. Be reminded to channel that energetic jolt into things that are coming. Every moment has its purpose, listen.
“What you see; may not be what the person next to you sees. Perception, right? And that outlook on art work can be applied as influence on treating people in life.
Abstract art is the most vulnerable state of creative work; as the minds of these folks are beyond light years of what can be described thru words or emotions. I paint abstract because of the layers on layers of techniques that go with each moment when painting. I seriously have a hard time letting go of things that I’m attached too. When I paint, I push my emotions from those attachments into my pieces. After I admire my creativity for some time, I stop thinking about those feelings, attachments, problems and start looking for change. I embrace the moment of remembering why it happened but then I let it go into art. I will slay on the canvas until 4AM in my art studio; and it will feel as if time never existed.
I’m a split resident of Detroit / Medellin for the last 7 years; but Michigander for life. I’ve painted abstract art since I was 5 years old. My sister was the first to share techniques that led into exploring art classes in high school and later attend Kendall College of Art & Design. In 2015, I graduated with a Bachelors in Science for Print Engineering and an emphasis in International Marketing, along with a two year program in abstract painting at KCAD.
My art has its own special way to make me feel unique when I look what I’ve created; and what I had to go thru to get to that point. Something unique about my history is my condition; which is a true form of its own beauty. I host a special physical condition that has reconstructed my mind, body & soul. Have you ever met a fallen angel?
Detroit Art & Photography: Sale
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