denied access

When Will the Fight for Accessibility End? My Body Can’t Handle This Anymore

Since November 2023, I’ve been struggling to secure reasonable accommodations in my apartment building at 1701 Central Ave. As a person living with a permanent disability, these accommodations are not luxuries—they’re essential for me to live with dignity and safety. But despite my repeated requests, my situation has only worsened. My body is breaking down from the strain, and I’m at the point where I can no longer physically manage the lack of accessibility in my own home.

I’ve reached out to Disability Rights, the Mayor’s office, the Governor’s office, and the Office of Human Rights. I’ve attended meetings and advocated tirelessly for what should be a basic right—access to my dwelling. But I continue to face delays, denials, and harassment from my property management, all while my health deteriorates.

My shoulders are damaged from the strain of navigating a building that isn’t set up to accommodate me. I have to see my doctor more frequently as my condition worsens, and each trip into the building requires multiple exhausting attempts just to make it through doors that are not properly accessible. My neighbors have noticed the struggle I endure daily, and many have voiced their concerns, yet nothing has changed.

Disability Discrimination at 1701 Central


It is incredibly frustrating and disheartening. I’ve faced retaliation from management, including having my car towed from a handicap space and being told I could not park there despite my right to do so. My friend’s vehicle has also been threatened with towing, and I’ve been informed that I cannot keep my medical device in the building—this device, by the way, is what allows me to move around as someone who is permanently disabled from the waist down. As if all of this weren’t enough, the wheelchair pool lift doesn’t work, and I’ve been told that I must pay for my own parking space.

It’s hard to comprehend why basic accommodations are being denied when they are fundamental to my health and well-being. I am a contributing member of society, despite my disability. I participate in advocacy work, support local initiatives, and bring a unique and valuable perspective to the community. Yet, I am treated as though my needs are an inconvenience.

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