Wasserman Projects – Art Show Tonight – Sept 12

melissa divietri art

Help Me Forget The Default World

“Sometimes we need to be reminded how to be put back together; how to overcome and despite it all – allow life to give us hope. Give voice to whatever hurts or heals right now; be heard about your emotions. What my body knows; it does not lie – I hold myself high hoping that I will not be absence as I float thru the room. I cross eyes to see if anyone sees me; we lock then quickly look away – as if we are not allowed to see ours souls in each other. This absences goes through me; like a needle does a thread – and everything that I am holding is a stitch in my web. Maybe I am sinking; maybe I feel like I should cry ; so since I am still here living – I’m giving this one more try. This piece in front you – is a representation of my work / life / social balance – My lifestyle as a social media manager with a unique difference that limits my walking to use forearm crutches; my voice is fluid for the disability community as a token of faith to motivate and stop the hate. It does not matter how much confidence I can project online and my reach around the world; I still get the vibes that I shouldn’t be where I am because I have pride. I hope you look closely at the colors and shapes that overlap; as each symbolizes all of the arms & legs that are trying hard to rise me up – while others take me down. Help me forget the default world.” – Meli DiV
melissa divietri artOn DISPLAY for one night at the Wasserman Projects in Eastern Market on Sept 12th. — > https://melissadivietri.com/wasserman-projects/