I Stopped Doing Something That I Love

Melissa DiVietri

The minutes flow into hours which run into days and weeks. Sooner or later, passions get lost in the midst of having free time. I somehow lost my passions in the art world over the last few months. Picture this… it has been since May when I picked up a paint brush last.

Over the weekend, I went home to Jackson to visit with my family. With an international trip coming up, I am not sure when I would get the opportunity to see everyone. My brothers and parents were over.. and the youngest niece in the family. My youngest niece reminded me of the things that we do together.. which was art. She was so cute when she reminded me… we were outside playing in the sun, she clamped my elbow and said “art is what we together, it is our thing.” Kids say the darnest things.

Art is a piece of my heart, my soul and my body. I express a lot of my feelings when I paint.. it is an escape for me. I am just in awe that it’s been so long to pick up the brush.

So why did I stop? For many reasons of course:

  • Not enough free time for passion projects
  • Not enough “me” time
  • Working around the clock without downtime
  • Going after opportunities that I love that don’t have financial return
  • Doing too many things for “free”

We pulled out canvas, acrylic paints and brushes. Together, we sprawled out on the kitchen table with our color palettes. I was enjoying this moment with her. The feeling was mutual because she painted two pieces and discussed her inspiration of color, how cute.

After my trip to Jackson was over, I was still inspired to paint again. The feelings rushed to my body to keep the momentum going. I went into my art room in the condo, pulled out bright colors and a large canvas. I laid on the balcony outside and went wild, do you love what was created?

I’ve decided that I need to take more time for myself.. really see the value of having that downtime in my life. If you work, work, work… you will burn out. Art was my opportunity to escape the real world and go somewhere that’s my happy place.