#30DayChallenge – Day 6 #ISoarWithMissyDI

Melissa DiVietri #30daychallenge

#30daychallenge – 🌋 Day 6: Show me a piece of your heart <3 😱😱😱Name one of the most terrifying yet fulfilling moments in your life.

Where were you; who were you with & why did you feel that way?

👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻✍🏻 Me: I’ve always thought of myself as a risk-taker, go-getter, champion.. a strongest woman that I know (all in my head). I was having an aggressively hard moment in my life… 😖😖

I felt the ocean for the first time the night before ( a huge fear); had a best friend cuss me out in our $5k a night villa (that we exchanged for SMM content together) and hometown problems (too much happening back in the States). I needed something to shake myself because I was breaking mentally. I was losing my mind.😭😭😭 It was my friend Lukas from the Czech’s birthday; and we decided to take our scooters on 3 1/2 hour drive-thru rain, lava, hail, slush, and mud…closed roads, no service, no idea, no plans… to see the active volcano on Mt Agung. 🌋The craziest shit I’ve ever seen first hand in my life .. like a movie.

The drive was more intense than words can describe… WE made it to the top… surrounded by locals wondering what we were doing. Then I felt the two earthquakes, I about lost MY mo fuckn shit. LOL, The shaking tremors were tripping me out; like OH my lanta; I told my parents I was going to be alright and here I am— standing in the face of death, so God help me. But you know I was so happy to be with someone today, I don’t think I know of anyone who would drop the whole day, especially their birthday to let me shed my problems & pour my heart out… I wish I was this fearless still… To go on an incredible adventure across the island in the pouring rain to see the volcano (( because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity )) Wow, I can’t stop smiling. We drove through a wicked thunderstorm and ash falling from the sky. It was literally a conformation that mind is power.. and the people who surround you are either going to break you or MAKE you. What was one of your most fearful yet rewarding experiences in life? Leave a comment below or tag your own using #isoarwithmissydi so I can find you !! #mountagung #isoarwithmissydi #baliindonesia #lifeofmissydi #balibabe


Melissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallengeMelissa DiVietri #30daychallenge


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#30daychallenge – 🌋 Day 6: Show me a piece of your heart <3 😱😱😱Name one of the most terrifying yet fulfilling moments in your life. Where were you; who were you with & why did you feel that way? 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻✍🏻 Me: I’ve always thought of myself as a risk-taker, go-getter, champion.. strongest woman that I know (all in my head). I was having an aggressively hard moment in my life… 😖😖I felt the ocean for the first time the night before ( a huge fear); had a best friend cuss me out in our $5k a night villa (that we exchanged for SMM content together) and hometown problems (too much happening back in the States). I needed something to shake myself because I was breaking mentally.. I was losing my mind.😭😭😭 It was my friend Lukas from the Czech’s birthday; and we decided to take our scooters on 3 1/2 hour drive thru rain, lava, hail, slush and mud…closed roads, no service, no idea, no plans… to see the active volcano on Mt Agung. 🌋The craziest shit I’ve ever seen first hand in my life .. like a movie. The drive was more intense than words can describe… WE made it to the top… surrounded by locals wondering what we were doing. Then I felt the two earthquakes, I about lost MY mo fuckn shit. LOL The shaking tremors were tripping me out; like OH my lanta; I told my parents I was going to be alright and here I am— standing in the face of death, so God help me. But you know I was so happy to be with someone today, I don’t think I know of anyone who would drop the whole day, especially their birthday to let me shed my problems & pour my heart out… I wish I was this fearless still… To go on an incredible adventure across the island in the pouring rain to see the volcano (( because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity )) Wow, I can’t stop smiling. We drove through a wicked thunderstorm and ash falling from the sky. It was literally a conformation that mind is power.. and the people who surround you are either going to break you or MAKE you. What was one of your most fearful yet rewarding experiences in life? Leave a comment below or tag your own using #isoarwithmissydi so I can find you !! #mountagung #isoarwithmissydi #baliindonesia #lifeofmissydi #balibabe

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#30DayChallenge – Day 20 #ISoarWithMissyDI

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