If anyone wants to enjoy an outta element artistic experience; im soaring my angel wings thru the afterhours all night

di techno

If anyone wants to enjoy an outta element artistic experience; im soaring my angel wings thru the afterhours all night #doyou boo – Maybe you’ll find me by fate, if you visualize me.. you’re gonna catch me (mindpower) (happiness) (respect) 🍬 I have the light that fights the darkness… I purposely fall into these state of minds ; in the most intense,cut throat industries.. because I can drop the gems in reflections. All I need to do is stare .. the long scary pause , stare — “like- is she looking at me” 😆 that makes you think all the rules are being broken but it’s only time stopping on our version of events… gasp** & they fall out of the trap and into grace. I do this allllll night, all the time — to whomever and !! because it gives me something positive to do. They dont call me heaven sent for nothing.

i am a tripper because I appreciate the platform.. the people don’t expect it, but they havent seen what’s coming yet.

Follow the 🍬 stories on the agency page @di.techno

Are you ready to experience something unique ? Seeeee you on the dancefloor.

Maybe we can be strangers that can be friends for one dance #afterhours#angeleyes break the rules 🕰 life is short

di techno