Coworking with Koi Fish out in Brickell, Bby!!

Life of of missydi

Coworking with Koi Fish out in Brickell, Bby!! My new fav hide-awayyyyy in Miamiiii 🐟 🐠

Uffff loving the vibes that i’m giving off – happiness is contagious !! This week has been nothing but uphill battles and never ending conquests.

✅ Our agency set up a trademark – what we out here!
✅ Applied for a super serious grant for the art festival
✅ Reviewing a patent application for the crutch design
✅ Instagram shopping and Facebook shopping are finally talking to each other LOL !! Later announcement
✅ Started to sell my reprints on my art; always been a dream.

Things are moving because Ive been strict with my time; and taking sacrifices throughout the last 30 days. Ive battled the govt & caseworker calls; surrendered myself to the possibilities that I may fail; we may fail — and I may be wrong when Im leading the best that I can. – Since Ive been open & vulnerable to not knowing whats going to happen tomorrow or the next; the destination has been worth the journey!

Going to the Keys for some R&R and self care tomorrow; my heart can only be as loud as the lions; if i care for the light. We are moving mountains !

No need to be afraid; mindpower is power.

Life of of missydi