Ferris State Career Fair


Ferris State Career Fair

Join Ferris State Career Center Services for employer-based workshops, career fair featuring potential employers, and interviews that can land students an opportunity.

College Business Networking

Career & Internship Fair was held in the Wink Arena at Ferris State University.

Tips For Attending The Ferris State Career Fair

+ Polish your resume! Bring extra copies
+ Business cards would be ideal. The Ferris State Copy Center offers reasonable pricing for students
+ Dress to impress! Wear your business suit
+ Don’t go with a group of friends, ride solo – it is more productive!
+ Ask the employer for more information to touch-base. Follow up with employer on LinkedIn! Add me


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College Business Networking Ferris State Business Fair Ferris State Business Fair College Job Fair College Job Fair College Job Fair College Job Fair Ferris State Job Fair Ferris State Job Fair Ferris State Career Fair Ferris State Career FairI chatted briefly with a few companies face-to-face who were interested in what I was doing. My process for covering a show using social media –

– take pictures
– write a bit about the company info
– tag the company on twitter
– hashtag pertinent info #marketing #accounting
– post and explore!

Each company that I took a picture of, I would tag the company, write a bit of information and post to my Twitter. This is a great opportunity to extend my network using social media to find a potential employer.

Although, there were many companies who would be beneficial to work for at the Ferris State Career Fair, I decide who to research or interview based on:
(1) location – seeking Metro Detroit
(2) social media standing – how well known on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vine
(3) skillset – employees trained to the fast-paced environment of technology
(4) benefits & pay – will I be paid for the worth of my work?
I normally reach-out to the company on my own terms, using social media or pushing my resume to the decision-maker.

If you are interested in learning more about job opportunities at Ferris State University, please send a tweet! @missydi