Traveling to Bali


Thinking of taking a trip across the world to work & play?

Bali, Indonesia is a relaxing destination to get both – work / fun in one setting. I connected with an online community to prepare my hotel & coworking accommodations for a month in beautiful Bali. We are more specifically staying in Canguu = which is a heavy tourist destination for surfing and vacation. Check out my recommendations on where to stay & work in Bali!

melissa divietri bali

Where to stay in Bali

I was provided hotel accommodations at a low-key hotel called Koa D’Surfer Hotel which is about 45 minute walk or 20 minute drive to the co-working space. Koa D’Surfer Hotel had features to make this an accommodating stay:

  • Restaurant on the first floor for breakfast or room service
  • Rooftop at the top with beach sand and bar
  • Access to laundry or taxi

I recommend Koa D’Surfer Hotel if you need a cheap but quality place to stay in Canguu. There is access to many local restaurants, entertainment and laundry facilities if you plan to stay long. The laundry is per item at Koa D’Surfer Hotel so I would recommend using a local place because you are saving more for what you are getting with your money.

Koa D’Surfer Hotel

Address: Jl. Pantai Berawa Gang Sri Kahyangan No. 88, Berawa,
Canggu, North Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali
Koa D'Surfer HotelThe lounge area to relax, read a book or make new friends!

Koa D'Surfer HotelSit back and relax in the funky chairs!

Where to work in Bali

If you have a remote office or work independently, I highly recommend Dojo Bali as their coworking space is fantastic. The coworking space is open 24/7 hours with access to free WiFi, water and amenities to run a remote office. You can sit in the front entrance located near the cafe or explore the back or second floor. There are rooms with air conditioning on the first / second floor if you are looking for a quiet place to work. If you need a cool off, bath in the pool located in the back of the space.

I enjoy Dojo Bali for the following qualities:

  • Coworking get togethers – BBQ, night out, hang outs
  • Information Sessions on email marketing, social media, digital media and more
  • Access to working professionals from around the world
  • Cafe makes excellent smoothies & coffee

DoJo Bali is a unique coworking space that brings together professionals who can work remotely from any destination. I’ve monetized on making new friends and building relationships from individuals around the world.

Dojo Bali

Dojo Bali

Address: Jalan Batu Mejan No.88, Canggu, Bali

Follow my blog for more tips on traveling to Bali!